“Greta Thunberg-fever in London: ”People want to come and pay tribute to her””

“LONDON. After the pope and the EUROPEAN parliament. “

“Now Greta Thunberg-the fever spread to London.”

“Here she meets protesters and politicians – and tokhyllas on the scene.”

“– The last few months have gone so quickly that I don’t really understand what has happened, ” says 16-year-old.”

“The last few weeks have Greta Thunberg spoken in the EU parliament in Strasbourg and met with the pope in the Vatican. Now she has travelled to London – with a clear message to the british politicians.”

“– In all too long, those in power got away with not doing anything at all to combat the climate crisis and the ecological crisis, but we should make sure that they are not going to get away with it more, talked Greta the face of thousands of demonstrators on Sunday night.”

“On Monday, stepping 16-year-old in on a scene in the Friends House opposite Euston station – to enormous cheers from the thousands in the audience. Every single seat has been sold out and several fans waiting outside in the hope to still get in. The Team from the great british tv-channels are in place and the photographers cameras patters constant against the young miljöikonen from Stockholm.”

” It’s difficult to understand what has happened in the last few months. It has gone so fast that I didn’t really had time to sit down and think through what it is that has happened, ” says Greta.”

“Over 1000 arrested at protest”

“The last week has klimataktivister led by the group Extinction Rebellion (”Utrotningsuppror”) blocked roads, junctions and transport of the british capital. Over 1000 protesters have so far been arrested in eight days and Londonpolisen has requested enhancement to be able to handle the situation. On Monday, about a hundred people in white-and-red face paints to put himself down at the Natural history Museum’s floor in a half – ”the mass” to bring attention to the extinction of animal species.”

“– Personally I support the I am Extinction Rebellion, ” says Greta.”

” I think that what they do is good, for we must act now, and I think that civil disobedience is important to show that this is an acute emergency.”

” We must do everything we can to put pressure on those in power, and in particular to create a debate so that people become aware of what’s going on so that they can also put pressure on those in power.”

“Speaking before a thousand”

“Greta, who goes out to a standing ovation, had just come of the train on the Sunday evening before she joined the demonstrations. She appeared on a stage in the Marble Arch, where the demonstrators set up a tältstad and espoused also where by thousands of people in the audience.”

“– Humanity is now at a crossroads. We must choose which path we want to take. How do we want the levnadssituationer for all living beings to be? We have gathered here in London in the day and people have gathered all over the world, to show that we have chosen which way we want to go and now we are waiting for the others to follow our example”, said Greta.”

“– It is we who make the difference. We, the people of the Extinction Rebellion, and the children skolstrejk for the climate, makes a difference. It shouldn’t have to be so but because no one else is doing anything then we must do it. And we will not stop the war for our planet, for our future and for our children and grandchildren’s future.”

“the movie Star with the protests”

“London’s police commissioner Cressida Dick has said that she during her 36 years as a police officer not seen a single police operation lead to so many arrested in the protests where, among other british OLYMPIC kanotguldmedaljören Etienne Stott, 39, and film star Emma Thompson, 60, participated. Environment minister Michael Gove said in a BBC interview that he understands the message.”

“– I worry about me in among of some of the scenes we have seen and if the activity is happening, ” he says.”

“– So I think that it is appropriate for people to make their feelings heard, but I also think that we have understood the message, we understand that it must be acted.”

“During the Tuesday meets Greta Thunberg Gove, labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and several other party leaders and politicians in the british house of commons.”

“– The big question is whether our prime minister (Theresa May) will be coming, we put pressure on her to come, ” says former Green Party leader Caroline Lucas to Aftonbladet.”

“– Gretas main message is always that we must say the truth, no matter how inconvenient and troublesome it is when it comes to klimatkrisens akuthet. She always focuses on the truth, and it cut through all the crap that you hear from so many politicians.”

“Lucas was also in the Gretas prominent in Euston – and was impressed with the young swede.”

“– You can see on the receipt from the Londoners that the people really love her and want to listen to her. I think it is because her story is so inspiring, ” says Lucas.”

” If you ever doubt that just one person can make a difference, you only need to watch Greta to see that we all can make a difference.”

” We can’t put all this on a 16 year-old’s shoulders, but with that being said, she is just so symbolic of this movement and what she has achieved is something that I think people want to come and pay tribute to her for.”