In ten years, the 68-year-old Knud Møller Jensen from the Lake on the island of funen, work on an invention which will make our storage of toxic material, and perhaps also nuclear waste, far better and safer than it is today.

– I do not think that any humans are interested in to poison our land, but they have no idea how to do it. After all, there are no solutions. There is no working with it, and I think it is disappointing, he says.

Why had Knud Møller Jensen, invent a solution to the problem, and he has done that now. The invention he calls “X ” eren”, and it is a chemical product with a huge resistance.

It is to function as a protective layer between the two steel drums, where the poison is stored. If the metal breaks, ensure the “X ” eren” that the toxic waste does not seep out into the ground.

– If it had happened out in the real world, so would the poison be leaked out, when the metal is gone. It will say that the drum can rust away, but the “X ” eren” will always stand back. It protects the poison, so it does not come out, even though the packaging rust up, says Knud Møller Jensen to TV 2/Fyn.

Although there can potentially be big money to be made on the invention, so it has never been the motivation for Knud Møller Jensen.

– It is only for the environment and human fault that I have done it here. And because I like it, and because I think it is exciting to solve, he says.

Knud Møller Jensen has even tested the invention several times – among other things by letting a barrel fall from 50 m height. Other barrels he has let sear up, but the “X ” eren” hold until further notice.

But if the “X ” eren” should be more than just an invention on a workshop in the Lake, Knud Møller Jensen to have a partner in the venture. It is so far not managed to find, but the inventor is confident.

– I hope we can find some partners. Some large international companies that can get it out in the world, he says.