Often the best political journalists and SPD-connoisseurs know, the forge of the social democracy, the local associations, district associations or only of narratives, observations, or, if necessary, small insights. I have identified in my ten years of membership, and the following four major problems, the bring inexorably to the party to Ruin:

1. Structural conservatism

The real dramaturgy of the party lies in the fact that, for many members of the world social democracy is still in order. The existing functionaries in the local and also at other levels, but actually everything is not so bad. The content you are doing “a good Job” and all the other who do not understand us.

If two hours is a long discussion about the usefulness of Facebook, like the other day on a district Council in Berlin, then something’s gone terribly wrong and it never well be. Particularly formative questions of the older party members could be, why even Facebook for political work is important and you have to concentrate more on the stands. With the new time.

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Any change that deviates from the Norm, is not equal to that of a Revolution, and revolutions like in the SPD as is known, at least since Eduard Bernstein. order Accordingly, it explains itself, why some people sit for more than 20 years in their places. Above all, it can be better understood, what is seen as a quality for political office. Committee work is appreciated. Win do so not necessarily the best ideas or personalities, but the ambitious most meeting participants, or to speak in the wording of the former national Chairman of the SPD Baden-Württemberg: “My life are bodies”.

The infamous renewal hits on party structures with such a force, such as the Atlantic waves on the Portuguese Cabo da Roca, the Western point of the European continent. This insight, by the way, hated in the base, to do “Grand coalition”.

2. Communication

You have to be a communication expert to establish that the SPD has a huge Problem with getting your content to the people. Either it derailed into, “Bätschi-sayings” Andrea Nahles, or Facebook tiles before Christmas, in which a small child over, “a stable pension level” and “parity” will be happy.

Renew, govern, or failure are all things that are to communicate. Humility is valued and rather than a sign of strength is seen. Finally, you had forgiven Andrea Nahles of the gruesome Deal around Maaßen. She had seen the error publicly.

“Good communication” in the understanding of the Willy-Brandt-house, but it also means, for example, to stand together on the stage and to show the supposed, “unity”. This is primitive.

part of the fascination with Kevin Kühnert in the population and young people lies in his enormous communication skills. He explains his ideas and thoughts in a precise and above all responsive. The sender and the beginners are properly defined. The, “No Grand coalition” campaign was probably a lesson in political communication as marginal Juso positions in the party have found a very wide hearing.

3. Weak leadership

people choose in addition to content, of course, the images and Narrative. That was so and remains so. The last real SPD-Story was, in fact, the social democratic newcomer, Gerhard Schröder. His behavior could be content and also cultural are more likely to be named as “anti-social democratic”, but the people had a character with corners and edges.

Charisma and personality coupled with a claim to leadership many people are lacking in today’s policy as a whole and, in particular, in the case of the SPD. Martin Schulz had embodied this desire in the short, but to the lack of content and power of Sigmar Gabriel’s failed.

In a conversation with a former German Diplomat had remembered this to Willy Brandt. Brandt had a phenomenal property. He gave to each conversation partner, the feeling to know him and to listen only to him. This charismatic ability made him very approachable.

While Andrea Nahles arrives at the intra-party context quite well, because it is with the rhetorical SPD-keyboard familiar, but people on the street looks quite different. You convey more the image of the health insurance associate of the AOK. Nothing against the employees of AOK, but you will not maintain the claim to political leadership. With the Basta-policy a la Schröder is a modern party, also to the front, but I see from Nahles no goal, no Vision and no future.

4. Content of despondency

What the SPD wants today, is honestly not so clear. Sometimes I have the feeling of being in the “Green-Light” or, “the CDU with a social heart”. Not infrequently, however, we are also the “sensible left party”. Clear large social democratic project does not exist.

We talk a lot about affordable housing. We test partially in vain for any instruments, but an Initiative for a truly social housing policy after the Viennese model, not’s. You can see that, in principle, also in all other areas.

The SPD is today in terms of content, like a cheap Asian Buffet. There is not of everything, everything tastes so right and it is then also still bad. With a Starter, a main course and a Dessert, it is not only in the gastronomy but also in the political day to day business. Less is known.

the party goings-on in summary, these four horsemen of the Apocalypse instrumental in the abyss. Such processes can only be radically and abruptly ended. Slow and deliberate, “against taxes” only accelerates this downward momentum.

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key issue, and What it wants to do the SPD against youth poverty

Paul Starzmann

as much As I believe in reformism, is a Revolution from below in the SPD inevitable as the victory of the proletariat in Marx.