Mr Raemy, Mr. Botonakis, you both represent two of the Zurich taxi associations* what you think of the new taxi law?
Rudolf Raemy: We are satisfied. The SVP and the SP have worked well – it is exactly the law that we need. However, I was disappointed with the member of the Parliament debate. Since the meter was confused with the tachograph or it is not claimed to be fact contrary to that car sharing is possible in the future. The most important point for me is true: that the black work is eliminated.
George Botonakis: Also, we are pleased. Now, all the same short Skewers, Uber . We would be even in favour of a sharper law.

Why is “equal to short Skewers”?
Botonakis: We are working in a low wage industry. After deduction of the stand fees, social security contributions, the gas, the supply to the Central of 1000 Swiss francs and reserves for the new car, a driver earns 10 to 12 francs the hour. At the end of the month 2800 to 3000 Swiss francs in the month, and the trend remain downward.

This is not enough in the city of Zurich to life.
Botonakis: must Therefore help often the state. We suspect that about half of the families of the taxi driver has to be supported by social assistance.
Raemy: part are also urged people from social assistance into the taxi business.
Botonakis: If these people are driven, it means, apparently, with the RAV, it is best to try to make the driver’s license of money to. In this regard, will only intensify the Problem.

to what Extent?
Botonakis: is provided, the taxi test to be abolished. Then, even more controlled to come into the Taxi sector. So far, 80 percent of these people fell through the exam.

what will be the impact?
Botonakis: There will be a two class society. The customer decides, who survives.
Raemy: It is not always the price that decides. Therefore, you ought to have in addition to the maximum price and a minimum price set. My suggestion: minimum price 2.40 francs per Kilometer, the ceiling price of 3.80 francs.

Now many of the taxi driver’s request, but the city of Zurich, the highest price of 5 francs.
Raemy: most of The independent drivers charge 5 francs – that is about half of the driver. Those on the taxi Central connect, the request of 3.80 francs.
Botonakis: I call for the release of the prices. The Urproblem is older than Uber.

What is it?
Botonakis: It’s the “Wipe” of the country, taxis or weekend taxi driver, which is simply a yellow “Guene” (taxi lamp, the Red is.) on top of the car. That is, they hold, especially on the Saturday evening in the city looking for customers – without paying state fees. They often work in black. With Uber, has exacerbated the Problem. Each blue Zone was to the taxi stand, everyone could be a taxi driver. Therefore, the registry is so important to us.
Raemy: , the registration requirement must follow all the same rules and rest periods to comply with. After nine hours of work, nine hours of rest. Also don’t have to follow all the day of rest, as a rule, what did the above-mentioned driver of course.

With the new law, the local examination. What do you think?
Raemy: For me, it’s fine. It is up to each of Google Maps and a GPS has. The driver must simply agree with the customer whether he is the shortest path or the fastest take.
Botonakis: I think the bad. Thus, the quality decreases. What happens if the technology fails?
Raemy: that’s right, as a Backup, the local knowledge should be good.

* Rudolf Raemy is Vice-President of the Taxi section of Zurich and a member of the city’s taxi Commission. George Botonakis is a Board member of the taxi Association, Zurich, and responsible for training. According to its own information, the two associations represent approximately 70 per cent of over 1300 in the city of Zurich taxi drivers.


Created: 11.12.2018, 10:56 PM