the Author behind the popular ‘Harry Potter’-books has got its fans to go completely crazy, after she has surprised them, that she will publish his latest children’s book ‘The Ickabog’ free online.

The 54-year-old author hopes that the self-employed adventure will help to keep the kids entertained during the coronapandemien.

J. K. Rowling said on Twitter that she had actually planned to publish the book right after the first of the ‘Harry Potter’, but since the series was so popular, she chose instead to focus on writing books for adults.

‘I would always like to publish it, but after the last Harry Potter was released, I started to write books for adults, and I chose to publish them instead. Until recently, it was only my two small children, who have heard The story of ‘The Ickabog’ before’, she writes.

the Manuscript has been at her ceiling until a few weeks ago, where she began to write it about.

Two or three chapters will be released each day until 10. July.

Rowling hopes that the fans will help to illustrate her book.

‘They do like to give ideas for photos along the way. But no one should feel the pressure of my ideas. Just let your imagination run wild,’ says.

All profits from the book, that will be really released in november, will go to help organizations that have been hit the hardest during the coronaviruses.

the Book will be available on a website later on Tuesday afternoon.