Finance minister Kristian Jensen is now being criticized for abusing his civil service by trying to punch out The newest initiative that bl.a. announces that the run-down shall have the right to withdraw earlier from the labour market.

Shortly after Mette Frederiksen (S) launch of pensionsudspillet put the ministry of Finance on Tuesday night a fast sammenstrikket note on the ministry’s website, which puts the spotlight on the negative consequences of The great election platform.

’the Finance minister Kristian Jensen has, on the basis of extensive interest for the subject – including in the form of inquiries from the press – prompted the Finance ministry to draw up a short note on the opmærksomhedspunkter’, wrote the ministry on its website.

Politics Mette will change the rules: So high will YOUR retirement age

In the memorandum have the individual sections are scored negative headlines such as ‘Earlier withdrawal will exacerbate the shortage of labour’ or ‘The public finances will generally be weakened by the lower retirement age’.

And it is deeply embarrassing, considers The political rapporteur, Nicolai Wammen.

– It is deeply embarrassing, and clean campaigning from Kristian Jensen’s hand when he tries to push his civil service ahead of him. It is a tilståelsessag, when it put its civil service to make political work. I am just wondering that the memo actually shows that one can do very much for three billion, we are proposing to use, say, Nicolai Wammen, to Ekstra Bladet.

I just think he ought to be man enough to even to go out with his criticism, says the political rapporteur.

– Kristian Jensen is missing to turn completely to respond to what the government will do for worn-out citizens, there has been a long time in the labour market. The only thing we have heard is that they will put the retirement age up further, says Nicolai Wammen.

Finance minister Kristian Jensen denies that he has abused his emebedsværk to make political work.

‘I get as a former ministers the help of my ministry to rely on all possible response. Response both from political parties and from interest groups. It happens often with relatively short timeframes, so I have the opportunity to participate in the debate on an informed basis and with the correct facts’, says Kristian Jensen in a written comment to Extra Blade.

‘It seems I am in fact, a finance minister should do. So, I have chosen to publish a note, which the ministry have given to me, so it is open to any and all who disagree with the content, can then discuss it. It seems I really am very fair – and when better than if I just went and used the input without putting them on the table. So I can clearly deny that I was abusing something civil service.’

Engell: Looks like abuse of the civil service

Extra Magazine’s political commentator, Hans Engell, believe that Kristian Jensen’s use of its civil service are attention-grabbing and a violation of what he, as the minister may allow.

This looks like a pretty serious abuse of the civil service from Kristian Jensen’s side. Actually, I think he is violating what one can afford. He must be careful, since we already had a big discussion about the Ministry of finance’s calculation methods, ” says Hans Engell.

– If he wants to criticise The policy, then he must even come out with it – not couch it in a mantle of neutrality and cause it to appear non-partisan.

– It is a political task – not a embedsmandsopgave – he is to substantiate the assumption many have, that you can’t believe in the civil service, says the political commentator.