you have been living apart for three years, their son, who lives in the children’s home and whose care you are advised to regularly in dispute, you may visit separately and accompanied.

The man had raised, according to the indictment, the actual regime of terror. Between February and August 2018, he took 3100 contact with his wife – alone 190 times in the second half of August. He stayed by the court arranged contact prohibition and exclusion orders miss, it didn’t seem to interest him.

Starting in early summer of 2018, he went, also, regularly, every day, and some of them two to ten Times per day, mainly in the evening or at night, to their place of residence. He rang the bell several times, around and clattered against the door, screaming in the stairwell, swearing at her as a whore, a threatened her with the removal of the son or her death and stabbed with a screwdriver or a carpet knife on the door.

The court had no choice

On the Monday before the Zurich district court to an unsuspended custodial sentence of 20 months, threatened him, according to the charges, due to coercion, multiple threat, property damage, abuse, misuse of a telecommunications installation and multiple contempt of the March ban.

But it turned out differently. He left the courtroom with a fine of 1500 Swiss francs, which is paid for thanks to the 50-day pretrial detention for a long time. His wife, thank. Because you reiterated in court what they had communicated last week in writing that they withdraw their Criminal complaints due to abuse, damage to property and misuse of a telecommunications installation, and you have no interest in a condemnation of her husband.

The court had no other choice, as these offenses and adjust. The procedure due to duress and multiple threat will be suspended for six months. The woman does not apply for the re-recording is set, the process then definitely.

The woman to have consented

The time-consuming and not cheap to criminal proceedings was superfluous. Not for the first Time. Once the woman criminal had filed a complaint against her husband, and then a so-called lack of interest Declaration.

In connection with his wife, left only a criminal Offence, the failure to respect the contact and rayon prohibition. The defender of the 35-requested Years to be acquitted. His wife had been with the contacts agree. In fact, they had recorded between February and August 2018 for yourself 215-contact with her husband. So that you have consented to be him to be contacted. Any consent plays no role, said the court. The man was punished because he had not made a prohibition of the court order.

disregard the contact and rayon prohibitions is merely a Violation, which may not be a fine punishable. This, up to a Maximum of 10’000 Swiss francs, is often not very deep because of their height only depends on the culpability of the offender, but also of his financial circumstances. Therefore, the buses of fraud in the highly indebted Italians, despite the various criminal record, a mere 1500 francs.

Created: 03.12.2019, 09:14 PM