Freiburg is an Idyll. By the spring sun, the beautiful old town is lovely and tidy as tube like a dolls. The “Bächle”, the tiny channels that run for centuries in every old town street water, trickling gleefully. In stores and organic markets zeal prevails, further out in the city a feeling of California or lake Geneva: Young students dominate with their bikes the image, everywhere-the-art research centers.
Freiburg in Germany as a Multicultural city and Eco-City, the city society as the left, green and anti-authoritarian – a fortress of the Good and Well-meaning. Freiburg was almost 20 years ago, the first German large city that elected a Green mayor. And as the refugees came, 2015/16, there was probably no city more volunteers than here. Freiburg said, “Welcome”, and meant it.
Big Scare
The more you startled raped, as of 2016, the student Maria L. of an Afghan refugee was murdered. Last fall, the nightmare, as a group of Syrians with a student raped took. The crime shook the city, and stirred it for months. They put their idealism into question, let him suddenly appear negligent.
in Front of the new University library, the facades with their glass like a black crystal effect, young women and men in the sun, chatting, drinking coffee. The 21-year-old Jil moved two years ago from Trier to Freiburg to study biology. You don’t think of themselves as fearful, she says. But since the rape, you don’t go home alone at night. Some places don’t avoid them basically because they feel sure of it. And you have a can of pepper spray.
Among your Friends safety is a big issue. One eighth up to one another, go together, in Clubs, write SMS, to be sure that all are well come home. And Yes, sometimes to make it you angry that you had to have on the street in fear, only because she was a woman. Whether a man is acting threatening, have nothing to do with his skin color, but rather with its emanation. A drunken biology students to avoid them in the same way as a pushy Dealer.
uncertainty and AfD
Jil wants more police on the streets and better lighting for certain corners or passageways. No, you don’t have the feeling that you would feel in Cologne, Dortmund or Berlin safer, rather the contrary. Freiburg you will find in the Whole, as before, wonderful. She would like to stay after studying here.
One, for it was only a matter of time before the refugees swooping on young German women, is Thomas Seitz. The 51-Year-old was a long time Prosecutor in Freiburg. Because he described the judiciary as the “spirit of justice” and the state as an “instrument of Oppression”, the state is about to deprive him of his civil servant status. Since the end of 2017 Seitz represents the Alternative for Germany (AfD) in the Bundestag. He lives in a small town, 50 km from Freiburg.
The my AfD have warned of crime in Freiburg is always, says Seitz, unfortunately. He leads you in the core of the culture of the immigrant Muslims or Africans. Most of you could not integrate in Germany. “The increase only, the parallel societies, and accelerate the decline of our society.” The young women who believed, in spite of the rapes to a Multi-cultural, Laundry “victim of a tragic brain”: “The Left have them trained out of all instincts.”
warning against blanket suspicion
After both crimes, the AfD has attempted to mobilize Freiburg’s citizens are against immigration. In 2016, it brought together a dozen protesters, last October, seven weeks after the riots of Chemnitz, three or four hundred. The left counter-demonstrations, saying no to violence against women and at the same time, no to racist exploitation, were five to ten times greater. Freiburg was dominated by the left-wing extremist, sorry Seitz. The “hate the do-gooders”, of the contrary to suggest that scared him. “Without the police you would be torn to shreds instantly and torn to pieces.”
The Freiburg-based “do-gooders”, of course, see very differently. Wisely and Perceptively, the city responded to the crime, you mean. You have shown empathy for the victim, but to be warned right in front of a flat rate of suspicion against refugees. The managers have been vilified in the social media, although, typically, the threats are almost all from outside came in.
police and prevention
Freiburg was more multi-cultural, liberal and helpful, says Ulrich von Kirchbach, a 63-year-old social Democrat who, since 2002, as the first mayor for social Affairs and Integration is responsible. At the same time the crimes of refugees had sharpened the awareness that Integration is a long-term task and safety more of a priority deserve. As a lesson from the murder of Maria L. Freiburg in 2016, completed a security partnership with the state of Baden-Württemberg, and strengthened the police, the judiciary, the police service and social work.
In the crime statistics, significant improvements are evident already, such as a police Vice-President Matthias Zeiser explained. More patrols, more checks and a systematic approach against intensive offenders have reduced robbery and violence offences, as well as the so – called street crime since 2016 of nearly 30 percent. However, the proportion of foreign offenders remains disproportionately high. Almost every other crime goes on your account, although their share of the 230’000 inhabitants, is three times smaller. Zeiser explains the disproportion with the circumstances of life of many immigrants who often lived in precarious, poorly integrated, young and male. Half of the sexual offences has risen since 2016. This has to do stocks to a newly introduced criminal Offence, on the other, probably with an increasing display of will. Also in this statistics, foreign offenders are übervertreten significantly, since 2016 will have doubled by this group of committed sexual offences from 39 to 79. The concern of the Freiburg student is not indoor so it’s just a feeling. In the case of the police is, of course, aware that some sexual crimes are hard to prevent. Preventative social work is able as much.
The willingness to help have lost because of the crime, says a Competent office for Migration.
“Patriarchal images of women are a Problem, you can’t deny,” says Petra Geppert. But not everyone who think patriarchal, is also ready to use violence. Geppert is in office for Migration and Integration for the social services – even your fellow Katrin grey and Antje Reinhard integration professionals. The three women know how difficult it is, to some young men at all, in order to influence about your dealings with women. “Bridge-builders”, be from the same culture, but useful, says gray, is for integration Manager in charge. Better protection from Violence in accommodation, social street work and the early identification of people threatened to drop out of the society, were used for prevention.
Antje Reinhard co-ordinates the work of voluntary Refugee workers, almost 2000 in Freiburg for 5000 refugees. She says the willingness to help have lost because of the crime, some wanted to “help right now”. At the same time security had become for many helpers important. Many of the refugees were ashamed for the crimes of the country people. “If we are second or third on the road, switch to young women equal to the side of the road”, sighed the young Syrians, or Afghans.
police is worked up
Stefan Hupka has seen as a Reporter for the Freiburg native “Badische Zeitung” the murder of Maria L.. The crime was a turning point: “The urban society has become inherent in their own naivety.” In the process have shown how incredibly light ready-to-foster-parents and helpers with the subsequent offender to be dealt with. “Help is needed,” says Hupka, who was in charge for two years, a young Syrian. “But you have to watch this well hung, ask, ask!”
Interestingly, I have just the ratio of the left-green Freiburg converted to the police. Police officers had been previously abused also in middle-class Neighbourhoods, without further ADO, as “cops”, you would be welcomed today, “class, you’re here!” Despite the shock, the welcome mood is tilted but never. Of course, you think today, also in Freiburg less naive and high-flown about immigration and asylum, as before: “The confrontation with reality was painful,” says Hupka. “But wholesome.”
(editing Tamedia)
Created: 08.04.2019, 18:36 PM