‘Ex on the Beach’-participant Mark Bøgelund is a man who stands by his convictions. Also the controversial.

One of the 24-year-olds crowning achievements is that he refuses to use a condom. It struck fast, en Ekstra Bladet met him in Mauritius prior to the program, and when he, along with 19-year-old Amanda Mogensen visited Ekstra tv studio, he repeated his position on the protective piece of rubber.

– most girls should have p-rod or anything. It’s damn just not the same (with condom, red.). It is not. Who can drink a gin & tonic without the gin in? It’s just not the same, he says in the video above the article.

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Comments as this gives Amanda Mogensen, however, not much. She calls on Mark Bøgelund and other young people to think for themselves.

– Today’s Denmark and the young people, they must simply be better to, at least the guys that ask ‘are you on birth control’, for it is not someone who asks. And to have the option, that the girl must be protected either by the p-pills, p-rod or spiral, it is not something you can go out from that, the girl is. It is a strange option to have, she says in the clip.

She continues.

– You are two for a tango. The woman also has a responsibility, but you must remember to ask: Are you on birth control?.

Mark Bøgelund and Amanda Mogensen had a heated discussion about contraception in the studio.

According to Mark Bøgelund destroys the mood, if you must first find the condom back and mount it.

– So it is easier to say ‘prune, you must have a second, and otherwise it is a fortrydelsespille the next day’. I have done a few times. When you are in it and are møghamrende horny, so you do not care to hear the ‘you must just have the condom on first’. So you must first open it and dissect it on, he says.

– How long it takes – 20 seconds?

– It is true enough, it takes not so long time. But it is just the principle, I’m damn well not use it. Maybe that is also why I have two children, he says.

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The somewhat controversial position, he has got to hear for social media, he admits.

– I have read the comments that says, ‘maybe he should think’, ‘he has two children’, ‘is he stupid or what’. Some of the comments I have received. Everything is possible snap, says Mark Bøgelund.

– But is that not true?

– 100 percent, they should just not say it, he says.

‘Ex on the Beach’ can be seen Sunday-Tuesday on Channel 4 and streaming service dplay.