– 15 years ago we gave you guys a proper christmas party with too much schnapps and X-mas!

– We smoking in the city, and after a few hours one cold. We’ll get him home in bed, but as good ‘mates’ we are, so of course there must just put a condom in nummeren on him!

– We go into the city again, and forget more or less it all! The day after the call he, and tell that his mother found him lying like that! A fun little christmas story, and we were forgiven! Merry christmas!

this is the sound of Peter H.’s take on a fun christmas party story, but since there are only two other nation!.members, who have given him the thumbs up, he is not in the vicinity of to win the five cases of beer, Carlsberg has donated to the most popular christmas party-history. DanielViscaB is also not close to the:

– well, I was at a christmas party, usually usually do not drink.

– But in order to keep the company out I got some snaps, beer, yes I know the cases…

– When but let’s cut to the chase. What happened was that I ended up shitting in a plastic bag… Closed the bag and put it into the boss’s (he was a big idiot) tray, at the computer table.

– the Monday after found the boss this ‘gift’ he thought he had scored. He ended up having to poke the whole high five down in the bag, when to his great indignation discovered that the gift probably more was a hadegave.

Nobody knew who was the offender, but it was the big conversation topic in several days.., writes DanielViscaB, there have been six positive reactions.

See also: Unfaithful to the christmas party: Forgot just the new surveillance camera

In total, there are now about 10 christmas party-stories, and with 17 likes has Aquinas has been very close to winning. He has given his story the title “Always alright with a scandal’.

– Our production manager had been hot on a young girl from emballageafdelingen, as he has not even worked in.

– Everyone could see that the boss running around with your tongue out of your pants for her, and my borddame, there were in the thirties, said that she would keep an eye on her.

– Borddamen came shortly after returned and said that she would not be taken care of. It should also be added that produktionschefen was a nice guy, but married and with a couple of small children.

– Anyway, so duskede he her outside. The party ended a few hours later, and who held a bus and waited. She must have thought she was going with, since the boss also had sat down next to her on the bus.

Suddenly she arose and grew of the bus again and went over towards a waiting car. The head reached halfway over heels on her, until he could see that it was an adult man who sat behind the wheel and waited. Her father. The boss made snurretoppen and went back to the bus, without having said goodbye.

– in January of the new year, he got a fyreseddel, as the landlord had got wind of the story.

– How can it go when you are a horny buck. It can cost the job, writes Aquinas, which gets a third of the story.

In second place – with 20 likes – is DetFintHomie with the history of the new secretary:

– To firmajulefrokosten last year it was full speed ahead. We had also just got a new secretary, probably around 30. She looked super cute, and my boss, who, in the course of the working day had drunk herself to æskestiv, was in a generous mood. He was, of course, absolutely love to get scored her here to the secretary.

– however, He was too pushy, and she was not at all interested, but no one wants to outright reject your boss. Suddenly, as he baked on her, he chose, however, to crack all bajerne plus snaps up on her dress.

– One of the guys from another office then its cut to jump in and be the hero. He took the secretary into a room next door, where he would ‘procure for her some clean clothes’.

– 5 minutes later the whole company, however, hear the moans and mating. All was glued up on the walls, as the two minutes later it came out. They were so embarrassing, that they immediately left the party, and since they have not talked together….., write DetFintHomie, which therefore ends up at a nice second place – only one measly “thumb up” from a shared first place.

See also: Snapsestiv trusseløs secretary: here you go

On a nice first place is Gasmandens history on the tiny party, which ended with a firing. Not enough with that it has received the most – 21 positive thumbs it has been to no it has only been two negative:

– Had the wildest christmas dinner. I am the bozz and baked loose on the whole the staff had the evening at Damhuskroen.

– It must be said that we are a 2-man company… Ask if it was awkward when we met on sharing office Monday.

– We all know there is only one thing to do there. So I fired her, write Gasmanden, who now gets a mail that he has won the 5 crates of Carlsberg beer.

How to look vinderhistorien out: