The social democratic party’s support dipped by the previous measurement, but will continue as the most popular party. Pekka Haavisto has received the green support of the surge, told the HS-gallup. Esko Jämsä / AOP

the Greens ‘ support has turned to a growth, when Pekka Haavisto was selected at the beginning of November the party’s new chairman. The change turns out fresh from HS-gallup.

in the New HS polls the greens ‘ support is 13.4 percent, while that in October was 12%.

SDP to continue Finland’s most popular party, but the party would vote now for 21.4% of the respondents, which is one percentage point less than in the previous measurement.

Coalition support fell slightly to 19.4%. The center’s popularity rose a bit, 15.6 percent.

HS-gallup conducted a Kantar TNS Helsingin sanomat commissioned. The study interviewed 13.11.-12.12. during the period between the telephone about 2 300 people.

the margin of Error is larger party of about two percentage points in both directions.