In relation to population than most sexual offences living in Finland doing to africans.Oulu 2016 long prison sentence for her daughter’s abuse received Seydou Kouanda previously served Oulu district court juror. He was also the SDP board election candidate. Markku Ruottinen
the evening press reports on Friday online and in Saturday’s paper in the journal of foreigners in Finland to do with sexual crimes, such as rape. Data were based on Statistics finland’s calculations for the year 2017.
according to Statistics finland, last year to 23.6 per cent of all sexual crimes and 30.5% of the rapes were foreign-made. In 2017 Finland 2 237 sexual offences. 529 case the author was a foreigner. Sexual crimes rape, was 938 and 286 of the case, the author was a foreigner.
the evening paper to publish now the data about how sexual crimes were divided according to nationality and the proportion of the group living in Finland representatives of the was guilty of sexual crimes 2017.
in the first top 10 statistics about what sexual crime is citizenship according to the specification. The statistics include all sexual crimes. It also includes child-specific works, where there’s a big topic in Finland after the police told Oulu three child rape.
If the immigrant has obtained Finnish citizenship, he is not included in the statistics according to ethnic background but to the Finnish citizens.
1. Iraq to 8.9 %
2. Afghanistan by 1.9 %
3. Romania with 1.3 %
4. Estonia to 1.3 %
5. Somalia 1,0 %
6. Turkey by 0.9 %
7. Sweden 0,8 %
8. Russia 0,6 %
9. Nigeria 0,5
10. Morocco 0,5
African countries in the forefront of
Statistics changes completely for the second look, when the aliens made by sex crimes is proportional to how much of each nationality representatives living in Finland.
the Calculation is made according to whether the suspect domicile in Finland or not. Statistics finland has calculated the percentages of only those who have in Finland a permanent home municipality. The home municipality is not, for example tourists or asylum seekers, and they do not therefore belong to the population. Finland has a lot of asylum seekers from Iraq and Afghanistan.
in the Statistics emphasize the nationalities with representatives residing in Finland a little. In such case, you already have one sexual assault is strongly reflected in the statistics.
the Percentage is followed in parentheses by each nationality in the total population in Finland to 2017.
1. Burkina Faso by 5.6 % (18)
2. Togo to 3.5 % (57)
3. Peru 2.8% of the (252)
3. Guinea 2.5% of the (80)
4. Zambia 2,5 % (120)
5. Venezuela to 2.5 % (121)
6. Burundi to 1.8 % (57)
7. Liberia to 1.6 % (62)
8. Armenia of 1.4 % (74)
9. Dominican republic by 1.1 % (92)
10. Iraq by 0.9 % (11 729)
the Finns, the corresponding figure is according to Statistics finland, equal to 0.032% and the entire population of 0,037%. Aliens combined share is 0.14%.
according to Statistics finland’s data is not completely exhaustive. According to statistics finland, one of the suspect can appear in the statistics several times from the same or different crimes.
the Suspects have been compiled for the year in which the police means the crime resolved. That is, if a crime has been committed 2016 and it will be settled in 2017, the suspect is included in the statistics for the year 2017.
How close can help victims of sexual violence?