Are you Sipilä and an Orphan still in the same government, the ability of Slope and Haavisto to challenge more than cuts and climate change?Follow the election exam as a direct

Opposition expected by the and the government parties pelkäämät parliamentary elections are four months away, so the electoral opportunities of the pace began to accelerate – even though christmas politicians a little rest break between suokin.

Today is the turn of the central chamber of commerce organized by the chairman of the exam, which is from the earlier occasions by way of location just four support in the polls currently, the largest party chairman: SDP Antti Rinne , a national coalition of Petteri Orphan , centre of Juha Sipilä and green Pekka Haavisto .

the central chamber of commerce, this day conference held in the centre of Helsinki Apollo Night Club and it starts at 15. Exam dates Yle reporter Berry Sandals .

IL-TV show the exam was broadcast live.

the evening paper follow exam also live commentaries, which corresponds to this article’s author:

Exam rhetoric is worth paying attention to, as an Orphan, ”I appeal to serious” over the weekend the coalition of the centennial in connection with the other party leaders, that before the election would not ”wrenching debate”.

the Opposition Slope and Haavisto course to challenge once again the government making it economic savings and cuts, as well as climate change.

Your interest in the exam that the voltage of the coalition party and the center between them, because of coalition tuohduttiin Sipilä few weeks ago, the center of the party council.

There, the prime minister promised to make the next election season the opposite things – inter alia, expect to employ a large number of new teachers – as to what this election season is under his direction is the national coalition party with the do.

Lions and sheep

the tip of party support in not recently undergone major mutual changes. Alma’s most recent survey, the SDP rose nyykähti by 0.6 percentage points, but it remained, however, the coalition party (19,8 %) the most popular political party (by 21.4 %).

the Pair difference for the third to the city center (by 15.1 %) remained clear, but the green lows seemed based on the survey stalled: the rise to be 0.7 percentage points and support uptake of 13.6 %.

the same of the Alma survey of the politician listed in the SDP of the Slope showed a revival, although the fourth largest party chairman of the green Haavisto popularity is a class of its own. As many as 44 % of respondents would be willing to give haavisto for more decision power, when the Slope of the corresponding figure is 24 %. The slope was before even the coalition of an Orphan (21 %).

the Center Sipilä remained 17 % in favour.

the evening paper share immediately after the exam after the traditional lion and sheep who the four presidents managed the best – and who is not.

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