What the hell is it just happens ????

– I f.the ex has had a blood clot in the heart, was bad enough been raskmeldt, before I was out and had to write applications.

– Seems damn not it is fair, which is being made so big difference.

– Us danes can damn well do not say: ‘not I will not wash up , it destroys my fingers’.

– The answer we get it is: TAKE A PAIR of GLOVES ON.

– God free me well.

How to write Lene Ps comment on the Times.dk’s Facebook page to the new figures, which show that women from non-western countries over 30 years represent 25 percent of the available rooms in Odense, which is the furthest from getting a job. And that 66 percent of them have never had a job.

the Danish policy – 11. mar. 2016 – pm. 14:36 Shock-talk about immigrants on welfare: What do the Mette’s troops?

Lene is far from the only one who is appalled by the numbers – and the stories, afsnitsleder in Odense Municipality’s Employment and social security authorities dated Mette Nicolaisen talks about the special employment project that should get women from this group in the work, but had to close because several of the women simply did not want to work:

It was, for example, striking that some of those who only come two hours a week, was away, because they were going to the doctor.

– They are busy taking care of children and families and nurture their networks with other women.

– for example, We have had a few that would not in the internship in the Facts, because they would not scan pork as for example sausages at the checkout, says Mette Nicolaisen f.ex. for the newspaper, and it considers the large part of the 69 New.dk.debaters are not in order:

– Berøringsangst, lack of motivation, lack of insight in to code /decode the target audience, are just some of the words which can describe the failed efforts.

– for many years, the system has been in the habit, to let them remain in the role of victim and, thus, have not dared to make demands!

– needs to be done up with the previous bets and therefore it is pleasing to see that the new tripartite negotiations puts the focus on the ‘jobparate’.

– the Key is to divert them to jobparate, unless they are sick, then you can make claims otherwise, there is no benefits!

– It is no different for Danish jobparate and the language need not be a barrier to the labour market, writes Araz K. but what do you say?