“Internal M-critique: ”the Voters did not trust us””

“Benjamin Dousa about why the Conservatives lost the election”

“the Conservatives did in the fall, its worst election in 16 years.”

“– the Voters did not trust us, ” he says.”

“The prolonged formation of the government made to the discussions in the parties about how well you succeeded in the elections came in the dark. When the Research results will now be analysed play ungdomsförbundets president Benjamin Dousa an important role.”

“He sits with two of the teams that shall evaluate the results, at the national level and in the city of Stockholm.”

“Despite the fact that M, declined the most of all parties was Dousa still happy on the night of the election.”

“– I thought: Wow, what a relief it was not worse. I thought we would land two percentage points lower. So I was pleased, everything is about what you have for expectations.”

“”Put the finger on the problem””

“the Reason that M did its worst result since 2002 is clear, he says. The voters did not trust the party. Dousa mentions both Decemberöverenskommelsen and the fact that the party took until 2017 to propose a common alliansbudget as several examples. “

“– I met a lebanese man when I was knocking on doors last week in a residential area in Akalla. He agreed with about 90% of what I said, but relied only on M to 50 per cent. He agreed with The sweden democrats only 50%, but relying on them 100%. He put really finger on what has been our problem the last four years. People agreed pretty much, but wondered if they could trust what Ulf Kristersson said. “

“Why is the Muf-base happy with how the party leadership acted after the election.”

“– we Had been released until Stefan Löfven had we been a tioprocentsparti in the next election. We have begun the trek towards building up our confidence again.”

“Want to see a mellanlinje on the SD”

“In Stockholm, where M declined sharply, the party concluded that it was hit hard by the social Democrats ‘campaign on the SD in valspurten, if to ”stand on the right side of history’.”

” People didn’t trust that we were not about to turn into SD. Ago was just the beginning of Löfvens election, it affected the Centre party and the Liberals. Had P not been running the campaign so aggressively, I think we had a alliansregering now.”

“Just the approach to SD has brought great problems for M the last few years. Anna Kinberg Batras notice in January 2017, when she opened talks with the party in the parliamentary committee, made according to Dousa not make things better. “

“– If I’m going to be completely honest, I know still not what it means.”

“Dousa see in the day two lines of the bourgeoisie around the SD. A is represented by some conservatives who want to form a conservative block and happy to sit in the government, together with the SD. “

“The other line, represented by the people in the C and L, is that there not even going to make up with the party on matters of fact, because it would be the beginning of a slippery slope.”

“‘Must” close the door””

“Muf-base mean that the M management in the future must put himself in the middle between them.”

“– You must fully close the door to form a government with the SD and to form a conservative block. But at the same time, we must be pragmatic about how to get through the questions in the parliament.”

“How will you explain it to the voters?”

“– It is not possible to explain, it is about showing that we do not accept a lot of their policies. I was very upset during the election campaign when they released, and then half-fell from the requirement to not be able to have dual citizenship. My partner is both a Polish and a Swedish citizen. She has not been a criminal, she’s working and doing the right thing for themselves. Why do Jimmie Åkesson that it is so outrageous that she must be a Polish citizen?”

” Sometimes flare it up that it is a party that has a clear nationalist element. It will we conservatives never compromise one millimeter on. “

“at the same time, he believes that M must be able to push through the issues together with the SD if you think the same thing.”

“How should M act in order to avoid a third term in opposition after 2022?”

” People need to be able to trust us, they’ll know that they always have bourgeois politics. Then we must invest heavily in several issues. I want M to be Sweden’s leading skolparti, where must we draw from some of the old blinkers.”

“…that the Alliance is dead on the national level:”

“– On the one hand, we have been loosened from the old allianskedjorna. Now we can develop policies freely and find exactly what we want in regeringsfrågan. On the other hand, the bourgeois cooperation to look different. I think it becomes extra important that we have an even closer cooperation with the Christian democrats.”

“…to many of the bourgeoisie rejected Fredrik reinfeldt’s legacy:”

“– It needed a more nuanced picture of Fredrik Reinfeldt and Anders Borg. The two have done very important things for Sweden, and should be important icons in the Moderates. Since it is also the case that they made strategic mistakes, shall we also learn from.”

“…the Conservatives election campaign:”

” It was good, given the conditions. The new party had about a year to prepare. But it is clear that it could be much better.”