A dissident republican grouping calling themselves the ‘IRA’, and on the day of the brexitstemming claimed responsibility for recent bombrieven in London and at the university of Glasgow.

on Tuesday of Last week were white mail bags with small bombs found on the London airports of Heathrow and City and the busiest train station of the capital city, Waterloo Station. A package caught on fire when it was open, but nobody was injured. A day later, blew up security officers to a suspicious package on to the university of Glasgow was sent. The police saw a connection with the other packets. Still other detected packages proved to be a false alarm.

also Read the Scotland Yard fears that the ‘New IRA’ behind bombrieven in London is

Today, the bombrieven claimed. The group ‘IRA’ declared to the Northern Irish newspaper The Irish News in Belfast that five packets to addresses on the Uk mainland are sent, shared Scotland Yard and the Scottish police, in a joint statement. The police has, so far, so four of the five sent objects found. Of a, that a British officer would be sent, lacking any trace.

The group would be composed of militants who oppose the Northern Ireland peace agreement of 1998. The group is independent of its predecessor and is also much smaller than the IRA, which was responsible for nearly half of the 3,600 deaths during the thirty years of violence. In the past, sent the Irish Republican Army similar bompakketjes. The terrorist group was disbanded after the peace agreement.