Approximately 1.5 million christmas trees are the next few weeks pulled into Danish living rooms, where they form the centre of juleaftens gift giving and dancing around the christmas tree.
What many danes probably don’t think about is the many different insects and microorganisms, which already has at home in the tree, therefore, quite inadvertently invite to christmas eve.
Many of them are too small to see with the naked eye, but an Additional Blade can now show you how the little creeps look like when they are magnified under a microscope.
What can we thanks to the help from Martin Kaae Kristiansen, who runs the Youtube channel and Facebook page My Microscopic World, where he illustrates everything that is difficult or impossible to see without aids.
Martin Kaae Kristiansen has helped Extra Leaf to take samples from a christmas tree and magnify them under the microscope, and therefore you can now meet your juletræs virtually invisible residents in the video above the article.
Here take associate professor Hans Peter Ravn, University of Copenhagen samples from christmas trees and tells about the different animals that can sit on your tree.
In the last month could Extra Leaf display of these unique recordings from My Microscopic World. Here is a cell in the process of sharing itself, as it will be eaten by a bjørnedyr. Video: ViralHog/My Microscopic World.
Science & engineering – 15. nov. 2018 – at. 17:32 See dane extremely rare recording: They have never seen anything like this