“Jail for woman who stabbed her husband in the stomach”

“A 42-year-old woman in Malmö has been sentenced to prison after having stabbed her husband in the stomach with a chef’s knife, writes the Skånska Dagbladet.”

“Before knivhugget were out so the woman beating her husband in the face several times. She told law that she fired up when she seen the white powder under the husband’s nose, she didn’t like that he used cocaine.”

“her Husband answered, beaten to give her a slap on the cheek, whereupon she fetched a knife and a stack in his stomach. The woman claimed that she acted in self-defence, as the right, however, did not agree with. The punishment was decided to be one and a half years in prison for aggravated assault.”

“her Husband sjukskrevs a couple of weeks but now has only a scar, but that, the magazine writes.”