“Jean-Claude Arnault prosecuted not for economic crime”

“The våldtäktsdömde Jean-Claude Arnault will be freed from the suspicion of financial crime.”

“Now the investigation down.”

“– My assessment is that even if we would have continued the investigation and it led to a conviction so it would not have led to any further penalty for him, ” says the chief prosecutor Jan Tibbling.”

“After the Swedish Academy in april and left of his own advokatutredning on the links to Jean-Claude Arnault to financial crime, EBM, began a preliminary investigation of economic crime.”

“It must have been a matter of economic crime between 2013 to 2017. The notification shall be submitted by an individual and related to, according to the information tax evasion, accounting fraud, and breach of the municipal regulations on the serving of alcohol at the club. “

“Now the investigation down. “

“– the preliminary Investigation is spent down as a result of the rules on förundersökningsbegränsning. It is important to point out that the decision is taken without any position as to whether the person has been made guilty of the economic crime he is suspected of. My assessment is that even if we would have continued the investigation and it led to a conviction so it would not have led to any further penalty for him, ” says the chief prosecutor Jan Tibbling at the serious fraud office in Stockholm.”

“Aftonbladet looking for Arnaults lawyer Björn Hurtig for a comment. “

“Jean-Claude Arnault was sentenced in early October to two years in prison. He was sentenced in the district court for a case of rape against a woman in Stockholm seven years ago.”

“the sentence was appealed both by the kulturprofilen who wished that the judgment would be lifted, as well as by the public prosecutor and the victim woman. They felt that Arnault would be convicted for another rape. “

“the Court of appeal went on to the prosecutor’s line and modified the district court’s judgment to the extent that judging Arnault also for the other rape he was accused of.”

“the Judgment was tightened to two years and six months in prison.”

“Jean-Claude Arnault and his lawyer Björn Hurtig will appeal the ruling to the supreme court, because they are dissatisfied with, inter alia, to assess the evidence. “

“– He is appalled, disappointed and concerned for their future. He denies in stone, and I believe him. I will fight as long as I can, Björn Hurtig, said earlier.”

“Jean-Claude Arnault has all the time denied to the crime. “