During the first hearing in the case regarding the death of the Dutch boy Nicky Verstappen (11), has suspicious Jos Brech said, ” not the person that Nicky has kidnapped, killed or abused. His lawyer thinks that all DNA traces on Nicky’s body, ‘say anything’. Despite this, the court in Maastricht that Brech in pre-trial detention should continue.
The session today was a pre-trial hearing where the state of the research is discussed. The lawyer of Brech, the defendant himself and justice are allowed to have their say.
Read also Lawyer asks today to release Jos Brech
Brech and his lawyer Gerald Roethof continue to manage on acquittal for murder, abuse and abduction. To the great annoyance of the family of Nicky. When the case in the course of the afternoon was suspended, was Nicky’s mother, Berthie emotionally. While Brech the hall was out of the village, she called out to him: “Look at me!”
After its eruption comforted misdaadjournalist Peter R. de Vries hair and guided Berthie to the outside. De Vries is the family for years. After the end of the burst lifted up The Vries the anger of mother Berthie:”It bothered her that he does not dare to look, he looks away, to the ground. When she could not withhold. The family would like answers. He gives that not. That is cowardly.”
“child mortality is unfortunately for”
Brechs lawyer Roethof will find that there is very little evidence against his client and wanted the pre-trial detention would be removed. According to Roethof ‘can Nicky spontaneously to his death’. “Child mortality is unfortunately for.” But according to justice, there were no fewer than 21 DNA traces of Brech on Nicky, 18 of which are on the underpants, a to z’n pajamas and two on his body. These are two hairs on his pants and one on his pajamas: all of Jos Brech, the TO.
The family of Nicky sat in the courtroom directly behind the man who is suspected in 1998, the then 11-year-old boy to have abused and killed. The big question in this case is: how is Brechs DNA on the clothes of Nicky? It is a ‘100 percent match’.
But it was silent Brech today. Lawyer Roethof put large question marks on the quality of the evidence. ,,There are traces of several persons was found. Why are those less suspicious than Jos Brech? There are also traces of animals found. What say tracks?”
did Roethof a number of suggestions for possible explanations: ,,My client was frequently in the same area. When he uses the toilet, hands wipes, and Nicky then also and used the same towel. Then you can DNA spread. DNA is meaningless in this case.”
Although many details were, went today for a pro forma session, yet not substantively so. Nicky’s mother, Berthie, his sister Edna and his father Peter were irritated regularly to the disclaimers of Brech, and especially the theories of lawyer Roethof.
Nicky can also spontaneously to his death
Gerald Roethof, a lawyer of Jos Brech