“KD-top requests stature in the DN-dispute”
“Sara Skyttedal lost the battle against the DN, and shall pay a half a million dollars. “
“But ask now the KD-top stature in the Supreme court, writes the news agency Siren. “
“the Battle between Sara Skyttedal and Dagens Nyeter now take the new speed. It is all about private pictures from Skyttedals Facebook that the magazine published in march 2015. The images depicted the leader of the Ebba Busch Thor and Sara Skyttedal, former KDU-chairman, now mayor of Linköping, in Israel. The posing, among other things, in front of military vehicles.”
“Skyttedal considered that the DN published the pictures without permission and sent an invoice – but DN disputed invoice. “
“last autumn, The beating of Patents and marknadsöverdomstolen fixed to the DN did not breach the law. The sentence was to Skyttedal to pay DN’s legal costs at just over a half a million dollars. “
“But ask now Skyttedal stature in the Supreme court. “