It threatens the Swiss Brexit: With such a dramatic warning Karin Keller-Sutter after three months in office in the political Offensive in the Offensive against the right. “The highest priority” enjoy for them, the struggle against the limitation on the initiative, said the new FDP Federal councillor in her first big public appearance since the of your choice.

The limit initiative was submitted from the SVP in August 2018. It requires the termination of the free movement of persons agreement and, indirectly, the end of the bilateral agreements with the EU. At the earliest the end of 2020, the template in front of people. By Karin Keller-Sutter declared the fight against this Initiative so early to your key dossier, it shall grant a right of civil shoulder-to-shoulder a rejection.

Since it launched in parallel a charm offensive to the left. To bottomed the SVP-Initiative, whether it is “absolutely necessary, to renew the Alliance of the forces for the bilateral path”. And such an Alliance was “without a merger of the social partners”. And for that, Keller-Sutter, it is necessary to offer the unions something.

“It’s about prosperity”

What could be this “Something” concrete, said the Minister of justice. It is still too early. But you commit here and now: “I am going to try to find a solution for the social partners to get them on Board.”

in The language picture of the On-Board-bringing was a perfect fit to the place where the FDP Federal councillor made their announcement: not in the Federal house, not in a television Studio, but on the MS Säntis, which lay in the harbour of romanshorn TG at anchor, next to the car ferry in the German city of Friedrichshafen.

picture: Karin Keller-Sutter, on the ship

of Course, Keller-Sutter had chosen the unusual location for your media conference, to demonstrate that it sees itself as representative of the whole of Eastern Switzerland in the Federal Council and not only in the Canton of St. Gallen, from where she comes from. As a Federal councillor, explained Keller-Sutter, was pursuing two goals. First of all, the safety and the protection of the Swiss population, in particular against jihadis. And secondly, the securing of jobs.

So, you used the symbolic place close to the border to Germany, to vorzurechnen, how many jobs were of the relations with the EU. Together, the three lake Constance-the cantons of Schaffhausen, Thurgau and St. Gallen had exported in one year for 12.5 billion francs of Goods in the EU, the whole of Switzerland even for 156 billion. The bilateral way in front meant about prosperity and 860000 jobs for Switzerland, expecting Keller-Sutter. This bilateral approach was going to destroy the SVP Initiative. “Acceptance of the Initiative would be the Swiss Brexit,” said Keller-Sutter. “It is about our prosperity.”

In the Swiss Tradition

According to Keller-Sutter of this bilateral approach was previously only possible because of the opening of the market “in equilibrium” with the protection of the local wages and the social security of all people in Switzerland. Only thanks to this balance, you’ve done it, the European Alliance, consisting of all parties except the SVP, business associations and trade unions, to keep them together. Only once this Alliance didn’t work, and promptly got dropped off a defeat at the ballot box: namely, the vote on the mass immigration initiative in February 2014.

it was Then that Keller-Sutter’s predecessor in the Federal Council Johann Schneider-Ammann had locked, against an Expansion of accompanying measures (Flam). The Keller-Sutter prior to the latest SVP Initiative better: their implicit message was on the MS Säntis. Schneider-Ammann, she mentioned not by name, but a different of its predecessors: Pascal Couchepin, FDP-Federal Council from 1998 to 2009. He had just maintained the Tradition of the balance of interests of market opening and social security, praised Keller-Sutter – and turned into couch pins Tradition.

Keller wanted-Sutter on questions relating to the controversial framework agreement. This second large Europe political Problem is unlikely to stand shoulder to shoulder with the social partners to solve. In this Dossier, the free-thinking hidden behind the collegiality of the Federal Council, to which she belongs now, and said: no later than the beginning of June, the total government is going to have to refer to the proceed position.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 29.03.2019, 21:42 PM