“Klimattung vårbudget not reach the targets”

“Almost half of the vårändringsbudgeten go to a variety of environmental and climate measures.”

“Still this is not enough for Sweden to achieve its climate goals.”

“It would, among other things, money to solar cells, new charging posts for electric vehicles, the protection of valuable nature and actions against eutrophication in the sea.”

” A significant part of which goes to environment and climate, says environment and klimatminister Isabella Lövin (MP) at a press conference together with the financial markets and housing minister Per Bolund (MP).”

“in Total, there are vårändringsbudgeten, which is presented in its entirety on april 10, around 4.5 billion. Of the efforts presented so far are the environment and climate for almost sek 2 billion. Vårbudgeten is the first thing that the government, the Centre party and the Liberals negotiated on the basis of its 73-punktsavtal.”

“One of the objectives of Swedish climate work is that, by 2045 should not be any net emissions of greenhouse gases, then the emissions must be negative.”

“We need to do more,” says Isabella Lövin about the prospects to reach the goal in time.”

“– But we are keeping now that all the work we put in time the previous term is slowed down or stops altogether. Among other things, took the M-KD-the budget away 40 per cent of the Swedish environmental protection agency appropriations, now we can put back quite a lot of it, ” says Lövin.”

“the Conservatives and christian democrat budget option, as the parliament voted yes to before christmas, made big cuts on the environment and climate change. A lot of the initiatives that is now presented is, therefore, more about that. “

” We have lost half a year. It is difficult to put back everything, ” says Isabella Lövin.”

” We have very big environmental problems and the climate crisis, which is acute, so the need is very great.”

“The single biggest budgetsatsningen on climate change is sek 750 million to Klimatklivet. It is money that should go to the local investments, such as charging stations and biogas production. A bet that the M and KD think is ineffective and wants to scrap.”

“– the Problem is that they reset everything that has not worked, but has led to a rise in emissions in recent years, ” says M’s economic policy spokesperson, Elisabeth Svantesson.”

“– The last government pursued an ineffective climate policy and then they will not continue on the same path. We have neither the time or afford mere symbolic policies.”

“According to finance minister Magdalena Andersson (S) is scope for reform in principle non-existent. Why must the efforts of the vårbudgeten financed with tax increases or savings.”

“the Government wants to raise taxes for a total of sek 1.3 billion, including kemikalieskatten and on fossil fuels in heat production. In addition, there will be savings of at least sek 2.7 billion. For example, targeted funding from the government to the care of the elderly, which appeared in the M-KD-budget, to be scrapped.”

“Overall, the environment and climate action on nearly 1.9 billion presented in the vårändringsbudgeten, among others:

“758 million to Klimatklivet and download all this support from home.”

“the 300 million, support for solar cells”

“100 million for research and investment in”

“50 million, the night train to the continent”

“of 100 million, the protection of valuable nature.”

“of 200 million to the wetlands”

“150 million, the compensation to the forest owners who have received their forest protected”

“of 120 million, the efforts against eutrophication”

“at the same time pull the government down on a variety of environmental and climate commitment with a total of 285 million.”

“From the August 1 proposed increases in environmental taxes:”

“the Current reduction in the rate of diesel tax in the mining sector dropped, which gives 140 million in tax revenue.”

“Kemikalieskatten is raised, which is expected to produce 220 million.”

“higher taxes on fossil fuels in chp provides 182 million.”