I got a SMS in the middle during the meeting of the committee from an unknown person, where they say that they put on inappropriate pictures and video of Thomas. They said that VG was very interested in the pictures, ” says Jorodd Aspjell to the press on the questions from the NRK.

He meets several media at the Airport today. Asphjell chair of the nomination committee of the county Party, where Giske is set to several positions.

Asphjell and the rest of the committee will meet for an extraordinary meeting at 14 today. The background for the meeting is a video where Giske is until a young woman on the dance floor.

Was with Giske on bartur

Asphjell says he was with Giske on the bar the current evening where it talked about the video originated from. Asphjell says he has not asked the Ap top withdraw his candidacy in the day.

” We were looking to took two glasses of beer together. We stood at the bar and talked together. I can confirm that there were very many who would take a selfie with Thomas. I said to him that “this had not I could, to get the hassle of so much”, says Asphjell.

He adds that he warned Giske about to set up for the camera.

I asked him if it was smart to do it. But as a pleasant and positive gentleman asked Trond up. I see that he even commented today that he maybe shouldn’t done it.

Asphjell says he doesn’t recognize the video from the selfiene that were taken during the period that he was in the bar together with Giske.

Were present at the bar with Giske: – It was a big punch Video Demands apology from VG

Trond Giske regret that he said yes to be in the video that has triggered a new bekymringsmelding against him. He reacts at the same time strongly on vg’s coverage of the case, and believes the newspaper has given a false representation of the events.

– vg’s case paints the exact opposite picture of what was reality. Was it some person who had experienced being treated ugreit, and the video showed this does not, type Giske on Facebook Friday morning.

In vg’s article from Thursday, the woman in the video quoted in one short sentence:

We danced and had enjoyable, so it was a bit much, so I and my friend went there, told the woman supposedly VG.

But Thursday night came the woman with the statement that went in the opposite direction from the VG had quoted her on the.

“It was nothing more than a dance. It was we who contacted him, not vice versa. It was nothing other than pleasant tone. We experienced it as okay and okay, and he went well from the nightspot before we did”, said the woman to the NRK.

Trond Giske demands apology from VG