The last decade’s trend setting musicians in theatre has done much good for the Swedish konsertkulturen. From the industry perspective, is understood primarily a welcome further development of the business model. But the audience has also won huge on that the artists have taken this traditionally finkulturella reserve.

The austere environment seems to knock most of the front to a higher level of ambition. For those who think that the classic klubbspelningen is starting to become almost unbearable is teatervågen a relief.

Linda Pira is also perfect from a completely different point of view. Rarely has an american artist received such a wide breakthrough on such a thin directory. When she 2012 sang Great on ”Rome and kush” was the demand of a woman in the Swedish hip-hop is absolutely deplorable.

Read more: Tingly sing for Linda Pira

Pira were, quickly became the subject of their own tv series and appeared later in the popular entertainment program ”allsång på Skansen” and ”Star star”. Six years later she has still not even released an album. When she has to stand on the stage, she’ll need something more than music, to be able to shoulder the mission.

the Solution this fall is a joint tour with the dance company Unruly and at the P3 guld-nominated Imenella. The latter is also one of the company’s most central members and one of their choreographers. The evening’s performance at the city theatre, is in the middle of the program, which includes date both in the big cities as in Varberg and Borlänge.

found first in the presentation, and certainly she is one of the two performers in front of the most private materials. But the real season closing during the more than hour is Unruly.

When the dancehall-the group takes the stage for its own number relaxes the room, which can be heard scattered shouts from the benches, the powerful dance style in particular has a liberating quality. Together with Imenella doing in her new single ”Ask about me” popshow of the highest international average. Party and poetry in the same three minutes. There is certainly the seed of something great.

Read more music reviews by Sara Martinsson , for example, about how Lykke Lis new tracks put higher demands on her as an artist .