“Kristoffer Appelquist”

“Kristoffer Appelquist has become a dad again.”

“got a daughter with his partner Isabelle Ahonen – shows up babylyckan on Instagram”

“Kristoffer Appelquist and Isabelle Ahonen has been the parents.”

“the Comedian and ”On track”-the profile has uploaded pictures of the mother and the newborn daughter on Instagram.”

“Today she came at last, Maggie,” he writes.”

“the Comedian Kristoffer Appelquist, 43, has become a dad again.”

“On Instagram, he shows up babylyckan with two pictures of his newborn daughter.”

“Today she came at last, Maggie,” he writes to one of the pictures where the daughter is seen together with her mother, Isabelle Ahonen, 31.”

“Maggie is the couple’s first common child, but Kristoffer Appelquist has a son, Erik, 20, and daughter Cecilia, 22, ago a previous marriage.”

“the Birth was planned for 1 december, but when Nöjesbladet met Kristoffer Appelquist before the weekend to talk about next summer’s big komikershow in Dalhalla, ”Humorkalaset” had a miracle not yet come.”

“– We’re just waiting. I have the phone with me the whole time so if something happens stand I set off directly, ” he said then.”

“And in the Sunday was born, therefore, the long-awaited daughter.”