“The game of the government”

“L-member closes the door to the SD support: ”the Liberals should sit in the mittenregering””

“Even the Liberal Students stand behind Jan björklund’s line the face of the partirådet”

“the Liberal partiråd to determine how Jan björklund’s party to act in regeringsfrågan in the next week.”

“Now advocate Karin Karlsbro, one of the members, a Löfven government with the L-ministers – and close at the same time the door to a government with the support of The sweden democrats.”

“Even Liberal Students are on the same track.”

“We will vote’ no ’to all the governments that are dependent on SD’s support,” says Anton Johansson, chairman and member of the L:s partiråd.”

“today återrapporterar Stefan Löfven (S) and Ulf Kristersson (M) to the president Andreas Norlén if their attempt to form a government.”

“the President has pointed out the two as the likely regeringsbildare and has therefore given them a parallel mission is to try to gather support for their respective options. “

“Löfven to form a government in the middle, with the S, MP, C and L while Kristersson can think of several options where the whole or parts of the Alliance are included and which takes the passive support of The sweden democrats.”

“How it goes is determined largely by C and L, which so far have voted no to both Löfven and Kristersson as statsministerförslag.”

“the Liberals make a decision about how to adapt to the two statsministeralternativen at a partiråd on 13 January . Although C is expected to shortly take up the position. “

“Karin Karlsbro, vice president of the L:s länsförbund in Stockholm and one of the members who are included in the partirådet, is one of them that will be crucial. “

“In an opinion piece in the Aftonbladet newspaper reports she for his attitude. The alternative she advocates is a solution in the middle – where L also sits in the government.”

“”To sit in a government that is dependent on The sweden democrats are not on the map for us. In this situation, should the Liberals help to find sensible solutions for a policy with an emphasis in the middle. The liberals should also be in a mittenregering. It is only through participation that one can have real influence over the agenda and content.” writes Karlsbro.”

“In the article she says not which parties should be included in the mittenalternativ she advocates. But in an interview she makes clear that she would like to see ”so many centred alliance as possible” in a collaboration. And that it so clearly embodies both her own party and Stefan Löfvens the social democrats.”

“Karlsbro mean that the crucial point is that L get so large liberal impact in the policy as possible. And she also wants the party to sit in the government, with ministerial posts.”

“– I think that the option, to release a government, is a far too passive approach for the next four years. It is like to sit in the back seat, let someone else run and further someone else read the map, ” she says.”

“Close the door to the Kristersson”

“M, KD, C and L collects the 143 seats in the parliament compared with the S, MP and V, which has 144 mandate together, which means that the Alliance must have the support of the SD in order to reign.”

“It is an option, however, is going away for Karin Karlsbro.”

“– We have already said no to it, among other things, on our Landsmöte, ” she says.”

“does it Mean that you close the door to the Ulf Kristerssons options?”

” Yes. It is pure mathematics, and we have gone to options in that there are not on the map that we should sit in a government that is dependent on the SD.”

“Student-no to SD-support”

“Even Liberal Students are on the same line. “

“– A government that is dependent on SD’s support will in four years ‘ time to act on the ultimatum given by the Sd and Jimmie Åkesson, says Anton Johansson, who is the chairman of the Liberal Students, representative at the partirådet and an adjunct member of the worker’s party.”

“He believes that the students’ union cannot act in a way that would legitimize the ”authoritarian forces” and therefore will vote ‘ no ‘ to all the governments that are dependent on SD’s support.”

“Any decision on how to set themselves to the Leaves, respectively, Kristersson, however, it has not been taken yet, because there is no concrete proposal to the government to take a position yet. “

“Anton Johansson points out, however, that his organization was in favour of the budgetary cooperation that L negotiated with Stefan Löfven before christmas, but that fell after Annie Lööf and the Centre party said no.”

“– My hope and feeling is that we liberals will not release until an option is dependent of the SD’s support, ” says Johansson.”

“the party Leader Jan Björklund has for a long time said absolutely no to rule with the support of the SD. Sources in the party, he has also been open to sit in a S-led mittenregering. At the same time could Aftonbladet yesterday reveal that the pressure increases at Björklund to completely close the door to such an option.n”

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