In the fall, it was announced that barselsafsnittet at The patient hotel for the hospital closes because of cost savings.

It happens 17. december, and therefore when the woman as the starting point be sent home five hours after the birth.

It is stylist Stephanie Gundelach, who is in a relationship with Danish håndboldstjerne Mikkel Hansen, certainly not satisfied with.

The she says in an interview with the website to The Moon, Honey.

the Couple waiting right now for their first child, and they expect that the child comes into the world in december.

– Unfortunately, my date totally fucked compared to the last barselsafsnit on the Kingdom closes the 17. december. We can therefore expect to be sent home only four hours after giving birth, telling the expectant mother to the site.

Therefore, she and handball-boyfriend talked about to seek help in private, when the little new comes to the world.

– Therefore, we are considering to check in at a private barselshotel or get private ammehjælp after the birth, she says in the interview.

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Mikkel Hansen with father Flemming and her boyfriend Stephanie Gundelach after the match. Photo: Lars Poulsen
Here, she also does not hide that she is far from satisfied that the national hospital has chosen to save barselsafsnittet away.

– I can’t help thinking about all the women who don’t have a chance (to get help in the private, ed.). I think it is so insanely, that we are in a welfare society like Denmark, where we pay so high taxes is to cut funds to women who have recently given birth. Support in the first time is fundamental to a good start! If they can protest in Paris and burn cars in the streets because gasoline prices are rising – why are women so no more up on the barricades in these times? In Paris you are hospitalized for several days, where they keep the supervision with you, you go also to the many more studies during pregnancy, saith the Gundelach to to The Moon, Honey.

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Mikkel Hansen will soon become a father for the first time. Photo: Lars Poulsen

In the interview tells the handball-boyfriend that she has taken 20 kilos during the pregnancy, but that the nine months of waiting in addition, the process is quite painless.

– I’ve seriously had the easiest pregnancy. I have not had the nausea and was only hit by fatigue in a few weeks. In the fourth month, danced around at the Roskilde Festival and had a party late into the night and we have raised the brand to Tokyo and Korea without any problems. In september I moved, as planned, down to Mikkel in Paris, says Stephanie Gundelach in the interview.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from Rigshospitalet in copenhagen, but it has at the time of writing not been possible.