In the process of the deadly attack on four foreign Velotouristen – including a Swiss in Tajikistan, a man has been sentenced to life imprisonment. The was reported from the Tajik judicial sources.

The 33-year-old Hussein Abdusamadow had been found on Wednesday guilty of the attack on the organized tourists, said a court representative to the AFP news Agency. Abdusamadow was spoken, therefore, in several respects guilty, including terrorism.

Abdusamadow, is committed to the terrorist militia Islamic state (IS), has confessed to the crime. Together with several accomplices he had, to the end of July, a group of cyclists in the district of Danghara is approximately one hundred kilometres South-East of Dushanbe, first with the car.

Then the attackers attacked the tourists with knives and firearms. Two US tourists, a Dutchman and a Swiss were killed. Another Swiss, was injured.

The IS-terrorist militia, published afterwards a Video in which the perpetrators swear by the Sunni fanatics of the Faithful. Four of the Suspects were shot after the fact in the case of a chase from the police.

government accused Islamists party

The Tajik government has made, Jetbahis despite the claim of responsibility video, however, the IS, but the Islamist party IRPT responsible for the attack. Critics hold that this allegation is politically motivated. Many leaders of the 2015 prohibited party serve currently met for a long time.

The process took place behind closed doors in a high security prison. 16 other defendants will have to answer in court, because they had not passed on information about the impending attack to the police.

office of the attorney General determined

the Swiss justice has intervened in the investigation. The criminal proceedings the office of the attorney General (BA) is directed against persons Unknown on suspicion of murder, grievous bodily harm, membership of, respectively, the support of a criminal organization, as well as violation of the law on the prohibition of the groups “al-Qaeda” and “Islamic state”, as well as related organizations.

According to the BA, it is the usual procedure in case of suspected attacks, in which a Swiss citizen had been affected. (Dec/sda)

Created: 21.11.2018, 11:32 PM