Two people aged 16 and 81 were fatally injured when a shot was fired in Bramsche near Osnabrück on Tuesday morning. The crime happened across from an elementary school. According to the police, children and teachers were not injured.

According to the police, the 81-year-old man shot several times on the street around 7:30 a.m. A 16-year-old from Bramsche was critically injured by the shots. According to the information, the perpetrator then apparently inflicted life-threatening injuries on himself. Perpetrator and victim are said to have known each other. The investigators initially ruled out a connection with the elementary school.

The 16-year-old and the 81-year-old were taken to hospitals and given medical attention. The police were with a large contingent at the scene in the 30,000-resident city. The background of the crime was initially unknown.

The students were cared for by pastors and police officers in the morning, police spokeswoman Kim Junker-Mogalla said. “You take care of the students, they are kept away from the whole operation and the impressions.” It will be clarified what the children have noticed. According to the police, there was no danger for the residents either. Around noon, the lessons were to be broken off and buses were to be made available for the students.

Investigators began investigating the crime scene early in the morning. Among other things, a crime scene group arrived to secure evidence. The public prosecutor’s office in Osnabrück was also turned on, said the police spokeswoman.