at Least on Twitter, the success story continues. With 5.6 percent unemployment was as low as for the past 40 years, says the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and announced to his 4.4 million followers, also, that the tax rate for small businesses state of the G-7 group in any industry is lower than in Canada. The Figures hide, however, how nerve-wracking the year 2018 for the Prime Minister: The talks with Mexico and the United States on the Reform of the Nafta free-trade agreement were a number of times prior to the Failure, Washington’s punitive tariffs in pain, and the charm offensive towards Donald Trump’s failed grandiose. This was evident in the G-7 summit in La Malbaie, as the U.S. President, Trudeau insulted by the Tweet as “dishonest” and “weak” hosts.

Such attacks do not damage Trudeaus Image as a feminist and enlightened citizen of the world, but he cares for as carefully as the reputation of Canada as the “better America”. Even before trump’s victory of the “Economist honored” the 36 million Canadians to the “last liberal” and praised the country for its immigration policy: About 300000 migrants settled for a long time here every year. But to look at the beginning of the election year of 2019, many citizens worry in the future. More and more clearly shows that Canada is not immune to populism.

The Anti-Trudeau

no one embodies that better than Doug Ford, since the end of June, the Governor of the economically most important province of Ontario, in the about one in three Canadians lives. Ford’s Slogan “For the people” was well outside the metropolis of Toronto, where real estate prices are constantly rising. The rich inner city dwellers are demanding more bike paths to get to the trendy Restaurants; Ford, however, is for the commuters, the hours in a traffic jam.

Similar to Trump’s the 54-Year-old experts, and trusts his gut feeling despised. To him it is symbolic of the steps that make him the Anti-Trudeau: After the swearing-in, he abolished a program that granted 4000 citizens an unconditional basic income, and lowered the minimum price for a bottle of beer for a Dollar. The Trudeaus Liberal Party introduced a carbon dioxide tax, he pointed out; he stopped a wind power project.

environmental and climate protection, neither the conservative provincial government and the Ford voters are important; for it is one that more money stays in the bag. The of Trudeau’s celebrated low unemployment does not lead to more optimism: Only one out of eight Canadians said the year that he’s better than a year earlier.

The voters in Ontario didn’t matter that Doug Ford has no government experience. That their followers, in addition to young men, many of the immigrants are surprising only at first glance. Recently, thousands of Indians, Chinese and Filipinos have been naturalized in addition to many Eastern Europeans a hundred, which Trudeaus topics such as feminism, reconciliation with the First Nations and diversity matter. Ford’s claim that the sex education curriculum in the year 1998 to re-introduce and to speak in schools about gay marriage and Gender theory, came with these immigrants of the first Generation very well. The right to feel as a canadian, you hardly anyone, and also Ford speaks positively about the New Canadians in Ontario, 30 percent of the voters. Across the country immigrants are even in each of the ninth constituency the majority of the Voters, which is why they courted rather than be demonized.

Michael Adams but warns against the assumption that, in Canada, xenophobia exists. The opinion of researchers has described 2017 as a response to Trump in the book “Could it Happen Here?” the canadian consensus on immigration. This has consisted of: In the autumn of 2018, 76 percent rated the Migration as a positive for the economy. “We are well to integrate newcomers into society and working life,” says Adams. He says those 300000 people are chosen each year by the authorities, and after four years, naturalized.

For voltages, the 40’000 men, women and children arrived in 2017 and 2018 from the United States and requested asylum. They came from Haiti, Nigeria, and Central America and are often seen as a Fudge, says migration expert Andrew Griffith. “The points-based system, the knowledge, age and education level play a role, Canadians as a fair and transparent manner”, he assured. The asylum seekers are regarded as “queue jumpers”, who wanted to obtain by fraud the advantages. In the regional election in Quebec, where the majority of asylum seekers arrive, won in September a party that promises to be less immigration, and from the French-speaking Region, also the MP Maxime Bernier, who wants to stop with his new People’s Party of Canada (PPC) is the “cult of multiculturalism” cult originates.

“diversity is our strength”

How explosive the for Canada of a high number of asylum applications, has recognized Premier Trudeau. In June, he appointed the former police chief of Toronto, for “Minister for border security”. Be criticised in addition to the cost of a year, a quarter of a billion Swiss francs, the process duration of two years. His opponents make Trudeau personally responsible for the increase: In response to trump’s ban on entry for millions of Muslims had tweeted this in January 2017, under the Motto “diversity is our strength” that the Canadians “are those who flee persecution, Terror and war”, would be welcome.

pollsters Adams expects the opposition Conservatives, as well as the PPC, the Fears in Parts of the population will mobilize in the election campaign: “After that, we will know whether xenophobia can be a successful means to get to Parliament or even to the government.” He refers to the fact that in its surveys, the topic of “immigration/refugees” was the respondents, not as important as the growth of the economy, the health system or the fight against climate change – an important concern for Justin Trudeaus.

The Liberals are in the polls neck and neck with the Conservatives. Observers expect that the remains against the wind for Trudeau strong and it is likely to be difficult for him to score points with men. Its residue there is, however, lower than the projection in the case of the voters, which is why Robert Fife of the “Globe and Mail” says: “It should be hard for Trudeau to lose the election in the fall.”

Fife is called as the first factor is that the NDP, the Liberal party, social-democratic, has crashed to 15 percent. The majority of centre-left voters are likely to vote for Trudeau. Secondly, his conservative Challenger Andrew Scheer is relatively unknown, the new right-wing party PPC is likely to decrease the Conservatives also vote. Last Fife called the Tradition: the Prime Minister of Canada usually get the Chance at a second term. Where such certainties falter, more and more, says Robert Fife: “In nine months, anything can happen.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 08.01.2019, 20:03 PM