Mr, Busch-Petersen, has like embossed is very Louis Lewandowski, the Jewish world?
You can’t overestimate the importance of his work: His cycle of “Kol Rinnah u-Tefillah” has been one of the standard works in the synagogal music. He has led the traditional Cantor singing with contemporary European music together, and thus the Jewish sacred music fundamentally reformed. But not only are the prayer chants, and chorales, also the Jewish Liturgy in General was characterized by Lewandowski working depth.

at the beginning of the 19th century. Century instrumental music in the synagogues was not unusual. In the course of time, however, an increasingly violent dispute between and in the municipalities was about whether one should install the organs in the synagogues, just as it was in the Christian churches is common. In this organ dispute has positioned itself to Lewandowski clear.

What view he expressed?
Yes, you can! And with his fight, he was ultimately successful: in 1933, there were in Berlin’s twelve synagogues with more than 1000 seats, in no Single one of them, an organ was missing.

Lewandowski came from a poor family in poznań country, wandered but as a 12-Year-old to Berlin. How has rubbed off on the city on his work?
Very liberating. His father worked in the small town of Wrzesnia as Schammes, as a synagogue servant, and, accordingly, the young Lewandowski had met only the traditional Eastern synagogue rite. Without the freedom of Berlin with the large, diverse Jewish community and the many Jewish entrepreneurs who have promoted the Jewish cultural life in the city, would not be Lewandowski to become the composer that he was.

daily mirror people


order Today, again entrepreneurs, the Lewandowski plant to keep alive: What kind of support you get from Berlin retailers?
We have managed to make the Festival for eight years without a penny from the public cultural funds on the legs – and we’re proud of it. Will bear the brunt of the costs through donations and contributions and a large part of the donations come from the merchants in the city. Many of them support us because of Lewandowski’s work is a heart issue. On the other hand, there are among Berlin’s traders is also a high degree of sensitivity, in terms of the German-Jewish history of the retail trade.

Swing there is also a crisis of conscience? Many German entrepreneurs beat Yes Profit from the hatred of Jews in the third Reich by the “linearization”. Berlin dealer of this heritage are aware of?
Yes, you are. Many of Berlin’s merchants carried goods for the Shoa is a part of the responsibility. We are aware of the fact that entrepreneurs in our industry were among the profiteers of the destruction of the Jews – because someone has gained, at the time, the Jewish property conveniently or profitably sold. Especially the retail trade in Berlin, was characterised by the involvement of Jewish merchants, no matter whether Oscar Tietz with his company “Hermann Tietz” or Adolf Jandorf, with the KaDeWe Department store: the kings, the Trade of the city were mostly Jews, about a quarter of all retailers was Jewish. During our festival we will, therefore, not only the 70. Anniversary of the establishment of the state parties, but also of the 80. Anniversary of the November pogroms of 1938 to commemorate.

on the Other hand, Israeli Goods are now subject to very strict labelling requirements in the European Union. You can see if the Israeli dealer’s reminiscent of the “don’t Buy from Jews”calls?
Were from Israel, no matter what part of the country may not be discriminated against. I think this legislation is wrong, and I have also recommended the Berlin-based retailers in the past, always a very liberal approach to the EU requirements. The recent clashes to investors in Berlin – for example, in the case of real estate projects such as the Checkpoint Charlie – don’t get on often without emphasis on its Israeli origin, if possible, with Russian or Cypriot partners. Since the world is true, then some of the discussants image. We should not accept uncritically.

Nils Busch-Peters photo: private

Nils Busch-Petersen is the founder and Director of the Louis Lewandowski festival. Professionally, he works as a managing Director of the trade Association Berlin-Brandenburg. The eighth Louis-Lewandowski-Festival will take place between the 21. 23. December at different locations in Berlin and Potsdam. Supporters of the Brandenburg Minister-President Dietmar Woidke, besides Berlin Regierendem mayor Michael Müller. Traditionally, the final concert will take place in the synagogue in Potsdam Rykestraße (23.12.2018). More info on the Festival is available at:


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