“Ludvika are rising up against the nazis”
“A landmark in Ludvika is the”
“Magnus Power is the site manager at ABB in Ludvika. He was born and raised here, and despite several years abroad and in other places in Sweden, you cannot miss the accent. He refuses to take nazistorganisationens name in his mouth to avoid having to see the letter combination in the same sentence as ABB.”
“For him who Ludvikason stings, the city received naziststämpel, for ABB as a company, it is vital to get rid of it.”
“– For us, diversity is a competitive advantage. It makes us better simply. 90% of what we make is exported, and you want the sharpest, you need to see the world as a recruiting ground.”
” Unfortunately, we have had a sad reputation because of a small coterie who live here and we do not recognize us.”
“ABB cares about diversity. It informs young people that come to the company and stresses both internally and externally how important it is for both the company and Ludvika.”
“But it has not been enough. Last year suggested Segerstedtinstitutet in Gothenburg, sweden ABB, together with another of the area’s major employers, Spendrups, would fund a doctoral studentship at the college about how to counteract våldsbejakande extremism. Magnus Ström jumped directly.”
” It is a way for us to affect our region. It is important that we as a great company dare to speak out of the beard. We want to be apolitical but very clear with what we are doing.”
” If anything good has come out of this is that we are joined together in the Valleys. You see among the young people that they have become more politically aware and engaged politically. Clubs and associations in the town working for diversity.”
“– We should always, in any context, talk about it here.”
“– We have zero tolerance for nazi symbols, and reports everything. We have done several times in the past few years. Some want to just provoke, but there is something behind that we need to address.”
“– It will pop up stickers outside as we take off. We have had the municipal security office here to inform about how to act.”
“Before he became president he was a teacher and it happens that he sees the old students of the city together with the NMR. It feels in the heart, ” he says.”
“– You know what fine young people, it is found to this community. You wonder when the opinions came in.”
“At the programs he is the president of are many young people with a background in other countries, some education, they are in the majority. Torbjörn Gustafsson is involved in their lives and agree with what Magnus Ström says, without them, it would local businesses not do.”
“– there Was only Swedish-born it would not be sufficient. We need to get people to realize that we must have these people.”
“As most of the others in Ludvika, sweden, he has encountered on the NMR on the town, there are people related to the movement of the school. Torbjörn Gustafsson believe that there are those who think that it is uncomfortable, but he himself is not afraid.”
“– It’s part of a president’s job is to not be frightened. I think that the more we are who dare to stand up and show us by face and name, the harder it becomes for them to provide on the individual.”
“the First of may last year greeted bibelcitatet”
“the Vicar Gunnar Persson describes the city as besieged, the young flyktingkillarna staying at a accommodation in a church-sponsored was moved for safety’s sake. No one knew quite what one could expect.”
“– But it was a big manifestation for everyone’s equal value and at the end of the day, I was very happy.”
“Gunnar Persson is not afraid, but he understands they are there. He tells of a lecture that the church staff was invited to, where the NMR was standing outside with banners and filming those who entered.”
“For him is the question of how one should relate to the NMR complex.”
” If we’re talking about this nasty movement, they are also people. But they frighten people. At the same time they are here, they have small children – we have to relate to.”
“the Church’s role is not to judge but to see the man and to safeguard human dignity. But how do you man’s inviolable value without taking away from those who are looking to violate? Gunnar Persson points to the need to distinguish between the sin and the sinner, to distinguish man from ideology.”
“– I always think that you have to hold on to a bad idea must be denied. For us as a church, I believe that it is important that there is a vuxenhet – to dare to speak out. To say that it did not have factories where people were killed – what’s the hype? To say that you don’t need help?”
“The first may invite Ludvika assembly check again. This time even bigger, together with the free churches, and organizations like the Red Cross and Save the children.”
“– There is a lot of fun, we put differences aside because we have a shared responsibility – contrary to what these movements advocate. I am not just me. We are a collective.”
“Nordic resistance movement (NMR), which first went under the name of the Swedish resistance movement (SMR), was founded in 1997 and accumulated from the beginning activists from the previous sleep, White aryan resistance.”
“the NMR is one of the most active organisations in the far-right environment in the day – of the Fbi classified as the most dangerous nazistgruppen in Sweden.”
“How many actually are active within the movement, there are no exact figures on. 2017 assessed Segerstedtinstitutet in Gothenburg that NMR has between 150 and 200 activists.”
“the advent of NMR, to achieve an ideal society that is very different from how we live today.”
“our Democracy should be abolished and replaced by an elitist government with a strong leader at the top.”
“the People get to choose local representatives to a parliament, and the parties shall be abolished.”
“Citizenship in Sweden should be based on who a government institution shall be established with the purpose to”
“Citizens can think and express what they want as long as you are not engaged.”
“Source: Expo, Gothenburg university, Nordic resistance constitution, nordfront.see”
“Ludvika is situated in southern Dalecarlia and has approximately 15 000 inhabitants in the urban area and 27 000 in the whole municipality.”
“Brukstraditionerna in Ludvika extends far back in time. Around 1550 let the king Gustav Vasa built a kronobruk at Ludvika stream, which became one of the more significant in the country.”
“Ludvika received its town charter in 1919.”
“The modern Ludvika has grown up around the electrical industry at Asea, now ABB. Tätortsutvecklingen took off since the railway was opened at Gothenburg in 1879 and Stockholm in 1901. Ludvika was, until the 1950s one of the country’s most expansive municipalities.”
“In 2010, the century, increased immigration and the population began to increase again.”
“the Industry is dominated by ABB. Other major employers in the municipality are Spendrups in Grängesberg and Ovako in Smedjebacken.”
“the Poet Dan Andersson was born in Grangärde finnmark in Ludvika municipality, and is buried at Lyvikens cemetery in Ludvika. Other famous names from Ludvika is the pianist Charlie Norman, Europe guitarist Kee Marcello and Anders ”
“At the 2014 election came in the NMR in the city council of Ludvika and Borlänge on the SD mandate.”
“the 2018 voted more than 200 people in the Ludvika municipality in the party, which represented 1.3 per cent of the votes, and thus reached the NMR is not up to tvåprocentsspärren.”
“in 1999, the national socialist front in Ludvika implement the first tillståndsgivna nazi first of may demonstration since the 1940s. The year after, they had refused on the grounds that the police could not guarantee security.”
“Source: TT, Expo, Dalarnas Tidningar”