tens of thousands of people left on Saturday in Berlin on the streets and protest for affordable housing and against the ever-increasing Rent. Who was the addressee of the protests and what concrete steps should be taken to problem-solving – all of which remained unclear. Or was strong, depending on whom you asked.

we Take the Bausenatorin Katrin Lompscher: in Order to achieve improvements for tenants, it need a lot of different measures, said the Left-politician, day-to-day level. “We will increase the number of apartments, to which we have as a country, Berlin influence through new construction and acquisitions. We are working intensively on a hire cover, and we argue on the Federal level, for a social tenancy.“

your participation in the protest March was not, however, part of the Senate’s work, clarified by a spokesperson for the Senator. In the event you take part “as a private person”, on this statement you made.

which, in turn, a shake of the head when the Opposition is provoked. “The coalition runs in Berlin, although it is directly for the rising Rents in Berlin is responsible, because they are afraid of the new building of apartments that is insidious,” said Christian Gräff, housing policy spokesman of the CDU in the house of representatives. That there is a need for action on the housing market, that fought but also Gräff on Saturday: “I can very well understand that people in big cities are afraid of rising Rents.”

daily mirror people

Free of charge p And it was a whole lot of people who moved through the city: the organizers spoke of 40,000 participants that moved at noon from Alexanderplatz in the direction of Kreuzberg. With Max and Bella, which were, in turn, although careful with the blame game, but probably would have nothing to object, were would accept someone of the problem. Because: “Almost all of the people in their own environment to contend with rising Rent,” said Max. And Bella added: “no one dares now to strip out of his apartment, because you can’t afford anything New.”

signature collection begins

But on a Sunny Saturday was not protested and blame each other in the shoes pushed. It was also collected signatures: Because at the same time with the Demo, also unique nationwide people started to desire for the expropriation of large housing corporations.

Video 06.04.2019, 20:13 Uhr04:23 Min.Tens of thousands demonstrate against “rent insanity”

people in colorful vests collected autographs, on long tables, lists, layers for you to sign. “We can see what is going on here,” said a woman in a purple vest by the Initiative of the people’s desire. “The people here queue up and sign the whole time.” A 50-Year-old said after his signature: “We need to put pressure on the policy. It has brake Yes tried with the Rental price. But that has not worked.“

The petition calls for the companies to be expropriated with more than 3000 apartments. The state of Berlin to buy the apartments to the company. The push is primarily aimed at the group, Deutsche Wohnen, which owns in Berlin, about 112,000 homes and dealing with tenants, often in the criticism.

Before the Start of the people desire economic associations, politicians, and the Federal government, the taxpayer, prior to the expropriation of large housing company warned. A main argument is that, as a result, no new housing would be created.

FDP General Secretary Czaja on the Demo.Photo: private

Naturally, the representatives of the FDP were a little eager of the nationalisation plans. “A billion dollar expropriation only ten percent of the Berlin tenants would benefit,” says Sebastian Czaja, Secretary-General of the Berlin liberals, “The burden borne by the whole city.” With the same sum of the “coalition of the irrationality” with the Rent-reducing Housing campaign could create twice as much additional living space that would provide relief. Fittingly, Czaja dragged a protest sign with the inscription “Build instead of-mouth” through the area.

Indecisive Green

The Green indecisive, in turn, act in the expropriation debate. Party boss Nina Stahr said on Saturday, you’ll be in the discussion of time. The Greens are “ready for dialogue” with the Initiative, if the first stage of the people’s desire.

But there would be “no single measure that solves our problems of rising Rents”. Also, expropriation would not ensure that it will provide affordable Rent. To set when the Green finally, it is far from some time: mid-may to adopt a Position on the expropriation on a small party.

Was only as a photo mask present: SPD-chief Michael Mueller.Photo: Julia White

And the governing mayor Michael Müller? The rejects the expropriation of real estate corporations, has, in this respect, but still need to talk with his companions, some of whom are calling for the nationalization. On the Demo they were looking for the social Democrats on Saturday, by the way, in vain – while had adorned a protester with the likeness of the head of administration. Müller was, however, to see go to – what was it that he was even in the city. Instead, he was looking for at a conference in Uruguay with other mayors to “reply” to the “challenges”, where large cities are currently exposed to, as it is called in the program of the conference. May he be in Montevideo, a find.

More about

madness-Demo Rent “We have to expropriate, so that Berlin is a city for all”

Johannes C. Bockenheimer, Anne Armbrecht Jana Demnitz Julia White

employees: Julia Weiss and Sabine Beikler