A 79-year-old man must next week meet in Oslo district court, accused to have promoted hate speech and threats, and for kroppskrenkelse against a helsesekretær at the national hospital in Oslo.

– He refuses straffskyld, says his defender Marion Haaland in The law firm the Fire to the Newspaper.

She will not comment anything more about the background of why, and it is unclear what is the basis for that the man should have come with the hate speech toward the woman.

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the Incident happened inside the Rikshospitalet hospital in the morning of 22. February of last year. Helsesekretæren is the person who sits at the reception desk of a medical facility or at an outpatient clinic, and is usually the first fagpersonen one has contact with such a visit.

According to the public prosecutor in Oslo, which has taken out prosecution against the man, he should have come with a variety of hate speech against the woman with a background from the middle East who was then at work:

“You are dangerous for Norway, go home, I’m afraid for you.”

“I hate hijaben as you have.”

“Because you are islam, you are a terrorist, you are destroying Norway. I have to take you, otherwise, take you my land”.

“You should not stay in Norway, people like you are wrong that the stay in Norway”

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“I hate the flapping blankets” or similar.

have threatened

Tiltalepunktet falls under penal code section 185, which reads: “for the intentional or grossly negligent public to have set forth a discriminatory or hateful utterances, which pointed to the fornærmedes skin colour or national or ethnic origin, and religion or belief”.

the Man should also have come with a serious threat against the woman, according to the indictment:

“Stand still, if you flip you should you get the proper” and “I must take you before you destroy the Uk”, or similar.

He is also accused of kroppskrenkelse. According to the indictment, he shall have taken hold of helsesekretærens headscarf and pulled it hard down with a jolt.

the Man run the risk of imprisonment, and because of the repeated offences at the same time, can the penalty be tightened further.

the Image evokes disgust: – the Nauseating, reprehensible and unacceptable