A 26-year-old man Wednesday in Copenhagen Dommervagt been remanded in 13 days after an episode in Christiania 27. march, where a man according to police, among other things, threw rocks at two officers.

the Man refused guilty and desired, moreover, not to pronounce itself under the grundlovsforhøret.

In court, it emerged that the man according to police was a part of a bigger crowd, which gathered in the area around Pusher Street, while police worked at the site.

the Police were strong in numbers present in the area, and three groups of uniformed and a group of civilian cops were in the process of arresting four suspected bodsælgere.

the Prosecutor told during grundlovsforhøret that the people in the crowd were tremendously dissatisfied with the police action, and there was both shouted and thrown objects after the ushers. It is the police view that the 26-year-old among other things, total up a rock, which he threw after the two officers.

the Officers narrowly escaped being hit by the stone.

A cop was filmed, however, what was going on. In the court documented the prosecutor stillfotos from a video recording. On the a person pick up a rock from the ground with the left hand, after which the person drew his arm back and made a kastebevægelse.

There were also pictures taken after the arrest of the 26-year-old. Both the recordings and the footage from the video was the 26-year-old a jacket with special features and a dark hoodie.

The 26-year-old has three times previously been convicted for something similar.