A man has been shot with an air gun at Ellebjergvej Copenhagen.

– We got the notification at 17.32 on, that a man was badly injured after being shot with a gun by another man, tells vagtchef by the Copenhagen Police Thomas Hjermind for the Extra Magazine.

the Victim is driven to university hospital in critical condition.

Right next to the UnoX tank on Ellebjergvej 80 working police continue after the notification about the shot. Photo: Kenneth Meyer.

– A gun … is such a dangerous?

– Njaa, that’s it. The notification goes on that a man is shot with the air gun, so that is what we at p.t. But it is clear that we examine the part, says Thomas Hjermind.

Police have cordoned off a large area at the scene of the crime, and investigators working out there.

A suspected perpetrator has been arrested.

– We do not know the motive, nor do we have a grip on their internal relationship. It must further enquiries to clarify, it sounds from the vagtchefen.

The relatives are being informed, and the police can at present did not disclose the age or gender of the hit or the person arrested.

Investigators are on the scene of the crime. Photo: Kenneth Meyer