Martti Ahtisaari is of the opinion that the wife, Eeva Ahtisaari has him considerably smarter.Martti Ahtisaari and Eeva Ahtisaari were forced to leave the Castle party this year. Matti Matikainen

president Martti Ahtisaari is says the high school student newspaper in an interview given quite the warm words for his wife the Eeva Ahtisaari .

– Without an Eve I in no way could have done such a career, the president told a school visit to the espoo bay high school Esposti magazine.

Ahtisaari said the spouse has kept this up to date many of the things in the world.

– Eve’s a year older than me and considerably wiser, Ahtisaari’s assessment.

I Am very glad that 50 years ago, Eve wants to share her life with me.

Ahtisaaret met each other for the first time in Kuopio school age. Paths later in Helsinki, and the couple married in 1968. The following year was born the son of Marko . Martti Ahtisaari is now 81 years old and Eeva Ahtisaari 82.

the Humble his way, the Nobel peace prize honored Ahtisaari told the student newspaper also to their colleagues of the importance.

– I Have understood at a rather early stage of my career, that alone is not no one can match. I have always tried to gather around me a team, where my colleagues know me a lot more different things.

– my Success has never been just my doing.

Ahtisaari has talked to their spouses in the same warm tone also in the past. Last year presented to the Ahtisaari document, the president said that his life would have been very different if he hadn’t managed to get the spouse to wise Eve.

Eeva Ahtisaari rings in the same context, a few words about her husband.

– He has always been very comfortable. Not that she much have been sweating home chores, mrs. Ahtisaari describes a small humor.

Eeva Ahtisaari told the 80-year birthday in 2016, the evening newspaper, that the daily life at home has changed a little bit slower. Her husband will accumulate, however, still peace mediation work due to a couple of hundred travel days of the year.

Eeva Ahtisaari has stressed that he threw himself into its internationality her husband’s work changed her life.

Ahtisaaret left this year Castle party, as Martti Ahtisaari is recovering still in the autumn of of back operations.