“Mayor: the Hat behind the shooting in the synagogue”
“A woman has been killed in a shooting in a synagogue in the city of Poway, outside of San Diego in the united states. Several people are cared for well in hospitals.”
“A local hospital caring for three people injured in the shooting. None of them have life-threatening injuries, writes CNN. Poways mayor Steve Vaus confirms that a woman killed for ABC 10 News.”
“A 19-year-old man, resident of the city, has been arrested and taken in for questioning. Local police said at a news conference that the man himself called the police and said that he had been involved, whereupon he was apprehended uneventful. A firearm was found on the passenger seat in the car he was travelling in at the arrest.”
“It is not clear which motives behind the shooting, but Steve Vaus says to CNN that the attacker is”
” I have also understood from people on the spot to people in the congregation took action against the shooter, and that these brave people are with certainty prevented this becoming a much worse tragedy.”
“the Police state that post the man made on social media is under investigation.”
“the Shooting occurred in the Chabadsynagogan during the celebration of the jewish holiday of pesach, on the day six months after the declared antisemite Robert Bowers shot 18 people in the synagogue Tree of Life in Pittsburgh. Eleven people were killed in the bombing.”