Finally Theresa May is a reasonable one. For too long the British government boss has waited at the Brexit-shambles to involve the Opposition. Ten days prior to the impending No-Deal-Brexit on the 12. April has pulled but now, but the rip cord. Your commitment to talk with the head of the Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn a cross-party solution could still show in a last-Minute way out of the cul-de-SAC. Mays turnaround comes late, but maybe not too late.

for a Long time the head of government remained stubborn

on his Time May has tried in vain, the last November, negotiated to leave the EU to bring the Treaty through Parliament. The ratification of this divorce contract is the precondition for a controlled exit of the UK. On the regulated outlet, whenever he passes, then follows a longer transitional period for the UK and the remaining 27 EU member States does not change much. However, May has tried with the utmost stubbornness in the past three months, the contract only by using the own Tory troops and the Northern Irish DUP. However, all assurances to the controversial Northern Ireland-regulation, all of the warnings to the Prime Minister in front of a No Deal or an extension of the Brexit period up to the year 2020 in helped nothing: The Brexiteers were at least as stubborn as the Prime Minister. They made the Deal on three occasions in the lower house by fall.

much earlier would it have to be the head of government to dawn, that of the exit contract without the help of the Labour Opposition no Chance in the Parliament. After all, May now seem to be willing to detach from the Brexiteers politically, and an agreement with Corbyn. The price to pay is a “soft Brexit” with a connection to the EU customs Union, would also allow the Northern Ireland Problem largely disappear.

For Brexit-Ultras such as the former foreign Minister, Boris Johnson is such a “soft Brexit” of course, of the devil, because Britain might then conclude hardly independent trade agreements with third countries. However, May should leave from the foot of the heroism of Brexiteers not make tame. Your Chance is now up to the Political Declaration, which was negotiated as the exit agreement with the EU, in the sense of the Labour party with regard to a close connection of Britain to the EU to re-sharpen. With a such a Deal could also help the Opposition to bring the separation of the Treaty in London over the finish line. May would have to, so to speak, with Labour a Deal for the EU Deal.

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The EU should agree to a short extension

What is needed from the point of view of the Prime Minister, is a further short extension of time beyond the 12. April until the 22. May – the day before the European elections. If things were going well, would abandon the United Kingdom to participate in the European elections and would be at 22. May from the EU are eliminated. Provided it is actually different: The EU has an extension on the 12. April, just want to ensure that, if the UK takes then definitely the elections to the European part. However, the remaining 27 EU-States are now more Catholic than the Pope. If the newly acquired short extension May actually help to accomplish, together with the Labour party, a regulated outlet, then the EU should show.

Corbyn. of his re-election-dream of goodbye

However, the previous experience of the Brexit has shown that, as yet, rare in London, in fact, little has gone according to Plan In order for it to be a controlled exit of the British on 22. May come, must give up May first, in fact, your red line, will leave, according to the United Kingdom in the future, the EU customs Union. Corbyn has to say goodbye to his dream of forcing the government as quickly as possible in a new election. And in the next phase of negotiations with the EU, it was a matter of future relations, would go to the Europe political ordeal for the Conservatives. But at least Since May, compared with the Labour Opposition, the Hand has stretched out, got things in motion.