you have again talked to the British Prime Minister of May and EU Commission chief Juncker. But this Time there was no breakthrough in the struggle for a Brexit solution. However, May of the language, at least of progress.

In search of a Brexit solution have achieved UK and the European Union on Wednesday night with no breakthrough. A Meeting of the Prime Minister, Theresa May, with EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker ended with the announcement that both before the end of February, want to meet again.

“The two leaders agreed that the talks were constructive, and they instructed their Teams to consider the options in a positive spirit,” it said in a joint statement. In the next few days you will re-balance. The schedule was tight, and it was of historical importance, “the EU and the UK on a path to a deep and unique future partnership”.

May interpreted the conversation in a television statement positive and said: “We have made progress.” Brexit-Minister Stephen Barclay and attorney General Geoffrey Cox already came today to further talks in Brussels. Regardless, the British leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn for a visit today when the EU has announced negotiator, Michel Barnier.

Hunt asks Berlin to

in Front of the high-level meeting in Brussels to meet, had asked the British foreign Minister, Jeremy Hunt, Germany during a visit in Berlin. A hard Brexit on the 29. March without agreement could only be avoided if there is together with the EU, a solution for the controversial Northern Ireland-issue, he said. A displacement of the Leaving date, the British refused to the foreign Minister.

Jan hopes on concessions from the EU, in order to get the Brexit Treaty ratified in time. In mid-January, the agreement was found in the British Parliament, not a majority. May want to fix now, what is the EU rejects strictly.

the main point of contention is the question of how the border between the EU-state of Ireland and the British Northern Ireland can be kept open. It also May and Juncker also spoke once again, as it was said in the joint statement. Movement was not in their positions but recognizable. Rather, May affirmed in the Sky and your call for “legally-binding Changes to the Backstop to ensure that he can not apply for an indefinite period”. That is exactly what the EU rejects the idea, however. The Backstop is a required by the EU guarantee, that it will be on the island of Ireland on the duration of no border controls.

Mays restraint crumbling more

before you take a trip to Brussels in May had suffered in London. Three EU-friendly deputies resigned from their Conservative party and joined a new “Independent group” in the lower house. Before a possible new round of voting in the Parliament next week, the situation is even more complicated.

The three Tory MEPs Heidi Allen, Sarah Wollaston and Anna Soubry together with eight former Labour members who had, in turn, to leave the opposition party out of Protest. Mays already scarce and shaky government majority shrinks further.

the EU Commission is allowed

May self-expressed “saddened by this decision,” of your three party colleagues, but was unwavering. With a view to the Brexit she said: “We do the Right thing for our country.”

is not concluded, the contract would be the agreed transition period until the end of 2020, and the key points for a close trade and security partnership eliminated. The economy is feared for this case, turbulence. Both sides want to avoid.

The European Commission reaffirmed on Wednesday that the EU is now well prepared for all possible scenarios.

Three Tory party in government leave because of the Brexits And forever greets Theresa May wants to> concessions from the EU Atlas |Belgium |Brussels <h3 class="ressort" More