members from the Bundestag and the French national Assembly came together for the first Time to a joint meeting in Paris. Both parliaments strive for a closer cooperation.

President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble and the President of the national Assembly, Richard Ferrand, have signed up prior to the meeting, the agreement of the two representations of the people, which is the Foundation of a German-providing, in a French parliamentary Assembly. The joint chamber, composed of 50 German and 50 French members, can take no binding decisions, but political impetus. You should meet at least twice a year – alternately in Berlin and Paris.

Per group, a minimum of one seat

In the founding agreement States that each group should have at least one seat. A total of 14 groups are represented, including the six represented in the Bundestag: the CDU/CSU, SPD, AfD, FDP, Left and Greens.

The French national Assembly appoints the majority of members of the President’s party, La République en Marche (LREM), as well as the allies, liberals in addition to Conservatives and various Left groups. The right-wing populists Marine Le Pen is not represented in the French Parliament sufficiently strong to form their own group.

controversial topics

formulated “proposals on matters relating to the German-French relations”. Goal a greater Consistency in the English-French law, including the transposition of EU directives. On the Agenda of the Bundestag to the President Schäuble, according to controversial topics such as the creation of a European army.

German parliamentarians rain, such as the shutdown of the accident-prone French nuclear power plants.

Bundesrat and the French Senate signed a Declaration for enhanced cooperation. This provides for the annual “exchange of ideas on current political issues”.

German Chancellor Merkel and French President Macron strengthen our cooperation.

50 years of the Elysée Treaty

the Bundestag and the national Assembly had on the 55. Anniversary of the Elysée Treaty on 22. January 2018, have decided to deepen their relations. Actually, the Parliament, the agreement should be sealed in parallel to the Aachen Treaty, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron at 22. January signed. However, due to problems with the vote, this was delayed by around two months.