With its Initiative for a climate-neutral Europe by 2050 had brought the President of France, Macron Chancellor Merkel is under pressure to act. When Peter Berger Kilmadialog you stood behind the goal, at least theoretically.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced in its speech at the Petersberg climate dialogue to the goal of greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050. On the way there, had to be discussed, but “the discussion is not to say whether we can reach it, but how we can achieve it,” said the Chancellor in Berlin. It should be discussed in the climate Cabinet of the Federal government.

Merkel promised that Germany will support the Initiative of the French President, Emmanuel Macron, and so far eight other EU countries for a climate-neutral Europe by 2050, as soon as there is clarity about the way will there achieved. “If we can find a reasonable answer, then we can connect us to the Initiative of the nine other EU States,” said the Chancellor. This had been rejected in the past.