the differences between the East and the West are Whether pension or wage – and-more. At the Meeting with East German Prime Minister, Chancellor Merkel said she wanted to use for the approximation of the living conditions.

East German Prime Minister have demanded in their Meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel in Thuringia are the Neudietendorf better living conditions for the people in their States. They complained about existing differences between East and West – for example, when the amount of the pension, the wage level or the settlement of the Federal authorities. Prime Minister of Thuringia, Bodo Ramelow, has “still existing disadvantages of the new countries” have to be mined. The Minister-President of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig, said this was to convey to the people 30 years after the turning difficult.

However, the East-country leaders requested not only the support for the East German Länder, but a funding programme for structurally weak regions in Germany.

the Minister presidents of The Länder in Eastern Germany, in their deliberations, in Zinzendorf’s house in Thuringia, Neudietendorf.

Chancellor Angela Merkel assured to continue to press for an alignment of living conditions. You feel therefore obliged, as you know from your constituency in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern “pretty good, the emotional state and know how important because even small steps are,” said Merkel. 30 years after the fall of the Berlin wall, the impatience waxes, because there are structural differences, admitted the Chancellor.

The government will ensure that the negotiations on the medium-term financial planning of the EU to the fact that the inequalities between the West and the East would not be increased again. Otherwise, domestic mechanisms of compensation would have to be created, which would make the Federal-Länder financial equalisation in question. “We’re not,” said the Chancellor, of course, want.