Against Ex-mirror editor Relotius there are new allegations. As the paper reports, he is said to have called for reader donations for its protagonists. The money had landed on his private account.
In the case of his Ex-editor-in-Claas Relotius the “mirror acts” offensive and the limiting the damage. The new allegations against Relotius the magazine published.
Accordingly, the 33 is not invented-Year-old only parts of his stories as free, but you may also donate funds embezzled. The “mirror” reported, readers have reported that they have received from Relotius’ private E-Mail Account, a call for donations to “help the orphan children in Turkey”. The money to be transferred to the reader then to his private account.
A case for the Prosecutor
The “mirrors” still don’t know how many readers have donated, how much money came together, and what could have happened. The magazine announced that it plans to provide all of the information in the context of a criminal complaint to the public Prosecutor.
As is the case Relotius journalism
issues of the day at 23:15, 22.12.2018, Torben Börgers/ Anna Mundt, NDR
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