Biologists from Bicho D’água institute in Brazil is in full swing to unravel a mystery about an eight-metre long humpback whale, which two days ago was found in the middle of a close mangroveområde on the island of Marajo in the outskirts of the amazon jungle in northern Brazil.

Kadaveret of the whale, which is about a year old, was discovered 15 meters from the coast, because the local residents wondered why several vultures hovered in the air above the dead whale.

the Biologists wonder of the first over, how kadaveret of a several tons of heavy whale can ports 15 metres from the shore in a dense mangrove forest. And then they wonder that a humpback whale at all can be found in this area in the month of February, because usually it is quite unusual to find humpback whales at the coast in the north of Brazil in the period.

It writes multiple media including ABC News, the Mirror and Newsweek,

The humpback whale is eight feet long and about a year old. This examines the of brazilian biologists from the organisation Bicho D’água. Photo: Bicho D’água

Bicho D’água-the foundation has also posted several postings on their Facebook and Instagram profiles, where they write that it is a very young whale. And they wonder how it ended up precisely on the Marajo island in the amazon jungle. Biologists from Bicho D’água could not immediately find any external injuries on the whale, and therefore must undergo an autopsy to establish the cause of death. It will take about ten days to get a response.

the Medium Maritime Herald has identified that the young whale might have died of having eaten too much plastic and, subsequently, of the waves has been catapulted into the mangroveområdet.

Marinbiologen Renata Emin has to the brazilian media O Liberal said the following:

‘We are still not sure how the whale ended up here. But we guess that the dead whale has floated around close to the shore, and the tide, which in the last few days has been heavy in the area, have contributed to the whale ended up in the mangrove forest’, says Renata Emin and adds:

‘Additionally, we are astonished that we can find a humpback whale in this area just now at the north coast of Brazil in the month of February. It is quite unusual.’