In all 133 of 429 individuals who were tvangsutsendt in november was imposed one or more penalties for offences in Norway, informs the national Police immigration service (PU), which has the national responsibility for the enforced expulsion of persons without legal stay.

Of the sanctioned who have been uttransportert so far in the year had the highest number of citizenship from Poland (16 per cent), Romania (14 per cent) and Lithuania (9 per cent).

Nearly eight out of ten uttransporterte (3.762 persons) is either bortvist or expelled. 520 had received the refusal of the asylum application and the 440 was sent out after the Dublin rules, or to a safe third country. Around a third of those sent in the year are punished in Norway.

Those who are tvangsutsendt of the Norwegian police in the year belong to 138 different nationalities and they are transported to 128 countries. The land they showed being sent to is not necessarily the country of origin.

Sweden tops the list of countries they uttransporterte is sent to the 512 persons. Then follow Italy with 394, Poland with 333, Romania with 267 and Russia, with 261 people.

Poland and Russia is at the top of the statistics of the utsendtes citizenship with 284 citizens each. Ukraine is in third place with 278 sent, then follows Albania with 272 and Romania with 266.

People with citizenship from these five countries are standing alone for nearly a third of the deportations so far this year. the