The German climate protection activist Luisa Neubauer confronted the US special envoy John Kerry with critical questions while walking through the grounds of the UN climate conference. The 26-year-old wanted to know how it fits together that the USA wants to uphold the 1.5-degree target set in Paris and at the same time want to expand the American oil and gas industry, as a video she published on Monday shows.

The 78-year-old diplomat said the US fossil fuel industry will only produce enough to avoid an economic crash during the necessary transition. There are no plans to build additional capacity – which Neubauer, who belongs to the Fridays for Future movement, subtitled in the video as “untrue”. Kerry also pledged his country will phase out coal and stop using gas by 2035.

Neubauer, who belongs to the Greens, wrote about the video that the US acted hypocritically at the COP27 in Sharm el Sheikh. “The expansion of oil and gas is threatening every single climate change goal, and one of the biggest drivers behind it is the US and its money. And people should know that.”

Only on Thursday did a new data report show that, despite alarming global warming, the vast majority of oil and gas companies want to expand their production significantly. This applies to 96 percent of the almost 700 relevant companies recorded in the public database “Global Oil