“New report: the Long wait for cancer patients”
“Waiting times in cancer care are too long.”
“Not a single region in achieving surgery for prostate cancer within two months. “
“It reveals the Swedish cancer society in its new report.”
“In Sweden, the standard course of care in cancer care have been introduced. It involves clear goals, such as how long the waiting time may be from referral to treatment.”
“the Swedish cancer society have now investigated the waiting time in 2017 for the most common cancers: prostate, breast, lungs and colon. Total hit 27 000 patients in that year. “
“the Report shows that the targets for waiting times was not achieved.”
“No region did the goal was to operate on prostate cancer, within two months, or 61 days. it is the cancer with the longest waiting times in Sweden. “
“Very far will it be for the men in the Västerbotten county. They are forced to wait on the surgery of 213 days or seven months – in the median. It is five months longer than the target.”
“the Shortest, is the waiting time on the prostatacanceroperation in Blekinge: 100 days, just over three months.”
“– It is a geographical lottery, ” says Ulrika Årehed Kågström, secretary general of the Swedish cancer society, to the TT.”
“For breast cancer, the target is a waiting period of maximum of 28 days, from referral to treatment. But only three of the 21 county councils can do it.”
” It is completely unacceptable for cancer patients to it looks like it does. Regionpolitiker must take the matter seriously, ” says Ulrika Årehed Kågström.”
“She says that it is not just a question of resources. It is also about the substandard of it, deficiencies in the organization, lack of staff and of certain skills, as well as other bottlenecks. “
“An obstacle is the severe shortage of pathologists, a shortage of biomedical analysts, who prepare tissue samples as npatologerna to analyze. “
“– There are regions that have received great results without additional resources. You have to learn from them how they are organized and streamlined.”
“the Swedish cancer society is now demanding that the bottlenecks in cancer care are mapped.”
“No region did the goal.”
“✓ In 2017 did not pass a single region of the target that patients should undergo surgery within two months. The differences are large in the country.n”
“Västra Götaland: 123 days”