Deep in the dark forests of the african coast has a team krybdyrsforskere found a new slangeart, who can hurt you with his poisonous bite – without even opening your mouth. It writes ScienceAlert according to the, where you can also see a video of the snake.

the Snake belongs to the genus of jordhugorme, which is known to have long fangs in the corners of the mouth.

the Hose can stick your teeth out, even when the mouth is closed, and thus the attack and hit his opponent with the mouth closed or from the side.

Besides his cunning bite the hose may throw themselves far forward, which makes it extremely dangerous.

The experienced researchers from Berlin’s Natural History Museum on their own body, as they tried to capture the snake in Liberia.

One of the krybdyrsforskerne tried to pick the snake up, as you would normally do by taking the hose with a firm grip behind its head and press his mouth together.

the Snake repeatedly tried to attack the researcher with his fangs, write the researchers in their scientific article, where they describe the new art.

No one was hurt, write the researchers, but if it had happened, it would have created serious tissue damage, which would result in large pain, swelling, and blæredannelser. Without an antidote, one would even be able to lose his fingers.

in Addition to the hose in Liberia gathered to the researchers two additional snakes, which they found by a coffee and a bananplantage in the south-east of Guinea.

the Researchers have named the newly discovered species of Atractaspis flocks. It is an addition to the genus of the jordhugorme, which consists of at least 21 species, which are mostly found in the sub-Saharan Africa.